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Meeting TMS Specialty Congress 2024
Symposium Specialty Congress 2024: All-Congress Plenary Session
Presentation Title Recovering Resources from the Past: How AI Can Enable a More Circular Future
Author(s) Emily P. Molstad, Caleb Ralphs, Benjamin Longo, Sean Kelly, Diran Apelian
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Emily P. Molstad
Abstract Scope Discovery, design and fabrication of the latest and greatest materials have resulted in groundbreaking progress across every industry from medicine to transportation to energy. What happens when these materials reach their end of life? How can we ensure the valuable materials needed to support a modern society are available for future generations and are produced sustainably? The recycling industry is critical to keeping precious resources out of landfills and is essential in the fight against climate change as material demand continues to grow and natural reserves are increasingly depleted. Artificial intelligence, and broadly Industry 4.0 capabilities, presents a wealth of opportunities to enhance circularity and ensure the materials of yesterday are properly recovered for the demands of tomorrow. This talk will focus on the current and future impact of AI on recycling with a focus on major metals such as aluminum and copper.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


Advancing Materials Science: Intelligent Agents in Data-driven Discovery
Navigating the Digital Transformation in Materials Science and Engineering and Your Role in Shaping Tomorrow
Recovering Resources from the Past: How AI Can Enable a More Circular Future
Thriving in the Digital Epoch of Materials and Manufacturing

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