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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Accelerated Discovery and Insertion of Next Generation Structural Materials
Presentation Title High Entropy Alloys to High Entropy Conventional Alloys
Author(s) Saurabh S. Nene, A. Dutta, A. R. Balpande, D. Mishra
On-Site Speaker (Planned) A. Dutta
Abstract Scope High entropy alloys (HEAs) got huge appreciation by metallurgy researchers from last two decades and became focal point displacing steels. Most of the work on HEAs is focused on transition metal-based alloys highlighting the importance of configurational entropy maximization in them, however, lot of debate happened on this and the definition of HEAs evolved with time. This work for the first time uses the configurational randomness in HEA design and applies to more local state of the alloys i.e. phases thereby generating high entropy phases (HEPs) in traditionally defined conventional alloys. These HEPs will have higher configurational entropy and can be in the form of a second phase, matrix phase or precipitate. Thus, alloy (A-B) containing atleast one principle element (A≥70at.%) along with one HEP is thus termed as high entropy conventional alloy (HECA) and this study presents design, processing and properties of Cu-rich HECA as a proof of concept.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords High-Entropy Alloys, Other, Mechanical Properties


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Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ECAP Processed High Mn Steel Testing at 298 K and 77 K
Modeling of Microstructural Effects on Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloys at Mesoscale
Optimizing BCC/B2 Microstructures in AlCrMnTiV High Entropy Alloys by Combinatorial Synthesis
Precision and Efficiency in Nanoindentation: Automated Contact Area Measurement Techniques
Predicting Chemistry-Dependent Mechanical Behavior in High-Entropy Alloys: Iterative Design Insights from the BIRDSHOT Center Using Data-Driven and Generative Models
Streamlined Correlation of Microstructure-Mechanical Property Relationships in Laser Clad Steels
Structural, Mechanical and Electronic Properties of BCC Refractory Binary Alloys
Tuning Chemistry for Precipitation Strengthening of Al Alloys

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