About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Advances in Multi-Principal Element Alloys IV: Mechanical Behavior
Presentation Title |
E-52: Effect of Ti Addition on Strengthening and Deformation Mechanism of Ni-Rich High Entropy Alloy Synthesized via Spark Plasma Sintering: An Experimental and Atomistic Approach |
Author(s) |
Sudhansu Maharana, Manashi Sabat, D.K.V.D. Prasad, Tapas Laha |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Sudhansu Maharana |
Abstract Scope |
For the design of high-performance high-entropy alloys (HEAs), understanding of strengthening mechanisms and deformation behavior is crucial, which remains less-explored. Here, a systemic investigation of Ti microalloying on deformation mechanism of (Ni-Co-Al-Cr-Fe-Mo)-Tix (x = 0, 2, 4 and 6) HEAs was carried-out. Phase analysis envisaged the formation of FCC solid-solution along with minor amount of sigma and L12 phases. Phase-fraction of sigma-phase deceases continuously with raise in Ti amount. Ti-06 HEA exhibits excellent strength-ductility trade-off, with an yield-strength of 1.5 GPa and fracture-strain of 26%. Molecular-dynamics simulations show formation of continuous stacking-fault networks including intrinsic and extrinsic stacking-faults, deformation-twins and dislocations during the plastic-deformation of Ti-06 HEA. Activation of multiple deformation-twins and stacking-faults, and their complex-interaction contribute to appreciable plasticity, and increased sessile stair-rod dislocation results in enhanced-strength. This pioneering work provides further insights into the significance of stacking-faults on deformation behavior and sheds light on designing of high-performance HEAs. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |
Keywords |
High-Entropy Alloys, Modeling and Simulation, Mechanical Properties |