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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium ACerS-ECerS Joint Symposium - Emerging Ceramic Technologies; Challenges and Future Prospects
Presentation Title Transformation-induced Plasticity in Ceria-doped Zirconia Composites: Towards Ductile and Shape-memory Ceramics
Author(s) Alethea Liens, Helen Reveron, Damien Fabrègue, Jerome Chevalier, Mike Swain
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jerome Chevalier
Abstract Scope Ceramics generally fail at low strains with a much larger scatter in the strength values than metals and require statistical approaches to failure. Here we describe in details the mechanical behavior laws of ceria-doped zirconia composites exhibiting a high degree of stress-induced transformation. They present, to some extent, mechanical behavior analogous to a metal, displaying, i) significant amount of transformation-induced plasticity without damage, ii) very high flaw tolerance and iii) almost no dispersion in strength data. Plasticity occurs via the nucleation and growth of transformation bands, which are quite analogue to the features sometimes observed in shape-memory alloys. Moreover, this shape memory effect is also applicable to these ceramics, with a recovery of the plastic strain through thermal treatments. These composites thus potentially open new application avenues in situations where the advantages of ceramics were dampened by their brittle failure behavior.


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Introductory Comments: ACerS-ECerS Joint Symposium - Emerging Ceramic Technologies; Challenges and Future Prospects
Nanochemical Approaches to Materials for Energy and Health Applications
Transformation-induced Plasticity in Ceria-doped Zirconia Composites: Towards Ductile and Shape-memory Ceramics

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