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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Seaborg Institutes: Emerging Topics in Actinide Materials and Science
Presentation Title Developing Waste Forms for the Transuranic Elements
Author(s) Travis Deason, Gregory Morrison, Hunter Tisdale, Amir Mofrad, Jake Amoroso, David DiPrete, Theodore Besmann, Gary Was, Hans-Conrad Zur Loye
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Travis Deason
Abstract Scope The synthesis of new transuranic extended structures is vital in the search for potential new waste-form materials but is limited by the few labs equipped to handle highly radioactive material. This talk highlights a research approach used to discover new transuranic compounds through collaboration between the university and the national lab. At the university, surrogates are used on a larger scale (~0.5g), and then scaled down to confirm the efficacy at the range used for transuranic reactions (~5mg) before attempting to incorporate transuranics at the national lab. This talk will describe the synthesis and characterization of the recently published series of quaternary Np (IV) fluorides of the type NaxMNp6F30 made using a mild hydrothermal technique. The resources and experience gained from employing this approach is now being extended to new barium phases. This collaboration creates a synergy that accelerates research on transuranic materials and will undoubtably benefit waste remediation efforts.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials,


Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Actinide-containing Molten Salts
Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic Workpieces for Actinide Interaction
Advanced Characterization to Support the Accelerated Qualification of Nuclear Fuels
Advances in Actinide Fuel Salts through the U.S. Molten Salt Reactor Program
An Industrial Perspective on Actinide Research for Molten Salt Reactors
Binding of Radionuclides and Surrogate to 18-Crown-6 Ether by Density Functional Theory
Challenges and Promises in Investigating the Fundamental Properties of Actinide Oxides
Chemistry and Thermodynamic Performance Challenges in Contemporary Nuclear Fuel Development
Density Functional Theory Calculations of the Phonons in Gamma and Delta Phase Pu
Developing Waste Forms for the Transuranic Elements
Diffusion Based Phase Equilibria Investigation of the Uranium-Technetium System
Electrodeposition and Fabrication of Californium Targets for Superheavy Element Research
Experimental and Theoretical Surface Studies of Plutonium Uusing Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory
Exploring the Behavior of Hydrogen Defects in δ-Pu through Density Functional Theory
Exploring the Impact of Molten-salt Reactor Contaminants on Actinide Speciation
First Principles Studies on the Influence N, F and Cl Impurities on the Structural and Electronic Properties of PuO2 and Pu2O3
Heavy Element Sciences at LLNL: Pushing Boundaries Across Various Fields, from Fundamental Actinide Chemistry to Nuclear Waste Management
Identifying Chemical Signatures of Uranium Oxide Particles for Nuclear Forensics Using Synchrotron X-rays
In Situ and In Operando Approaches for Studying Actinide Oxidation Behavior with Near-atomic Scale Resolution
Investigating the Anisotropic Effect of Soluble Hydrogen on Plasticity in Unalloyed Uranium
Irradiation Behavior Observed for Low-enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuels Tested in the Advanced Test Reactor
Irradiation of Enriched Uranium Bearing Chloride Salt
Materials Behavior in Alternate Head End Processing for Used Nuclear Fuel Recycling
Materials Chemistry of Neptunium Dioxide Produced Through Modified Direct Denitration
Mitigating Lanthanide-Induced Fuel-Cladding Chemical Interaction In U-Zr Based Fuels
Mixing Enthalpy of Molten Salt Studied by Molecular Model and Calorimetry
Modeling Mass Transport and Its Impact on Performance of Nuclear Fuels
Molten Salt and Cerium Driven Corrosion and Embrittlement of Refractory Metals
Molten Salt Crystal Growth of Americium Containing Oxides and Fluorides
Organic Diluent Radiolysis and the Impact of f-element Complexation on Ligand Stability for Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Phase Transformations and Thermal Response in Plutonium-gallium Alloys
Real-time Process Monitoring: Supporting Advances in Nuclear Material Processing
Recovery and Processing of Mixed-californium Material for Superheavy Element Research
Revisit Formation Energy of Native Defects in UO2: Spin-orbit Coupling and Magnetic Orderings
Role of Electron and Phonon Interactions in the Thermal Conductivity of ZrN, ThN and UN
Search for the Direct Pu-239 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Plutonium Compounds
Thermochemical Models to Address Impurities in Actinide Alloys
Thermodynamic Properties of Pu-U-Fe-Ga Intermetallics

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