About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Deformation and Transitions at Grain Boundaries VII
Presentation Title |
Grain Boundary Sliding and Slip Transmission in High Purity Aluminum |
Author(s) |
Marissa Linne, Thomas R. Bieler, Samantha H. Daly |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Samantha H. Daly |
Abstract Scope |
This work examines the relationship between grain boundary sliding (GBS) and slip transmission at grain boundaries (GBs) by the experimental characterization of full-field strain and microstructural information in a highly modellable system of high-purity (99.99%) nominally columnar aluminum subjected to uniaxial tension at 190 °C. It was determined that GBS magnitude profiles can have large gradients along a single GB and vary significantly between GBs. Using a geometric compatibility factor (m′) to quantify favorability of slip transmission, a correlation between the average GBS magnitude and direct transmission was observed for moderately well-aligned slip systems. Cases will be presented that highlight important microstructural factors in predicting mechanism interaction, including the finding that direct transmission and GBS were anti-compatible and facilitated by opposing boundary types (low misorientation and high energy grain boundaries respectively), and that increased GBS activity correlated with decreased indirect transmission behavior. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume |