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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recycling and Sustainability in Cast Shop Technology: Joint Session with REWAS 2025
Presentation Title An Alternative Route to Upcycling Low Value Post Consumer Al Scrap (Twitch) Without Sortation
Author(s) Shri Shankar, Carl Soderhjelm, Diran Apelian, Stuart Wiesner
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Shri Shankar
Abstract Scope As our consumption of aluminum continues to grow the demand to maximize the use of aluminum scrap grows proportionally. This includes using all aluminum scrap, especially low-quality scrap. Automotive aluminum scrap dubbed “Twitch” is a amalgamation of aluminum alloys that is melted and downcycled to low-value alloys. The complexity behind accurate and rapid sortation hinders the ability to readily sort Twitch and forces secondary smelters to melt the alloys together downcycling the scrap stream. The Advanced Casting Research Center (ACRC) is working towards upcycling Twitch to develop a high-value green aluminum alloy made from Twitch without utilizing sortation technologies. A quantitative study of the Twitch DNA was conducted to understand the value in Twitch. This study looks at a sample batch of Twitch and the relationship between particle size, chemistry, and alloy type. The work conducted in this study offers an alternative form of classification for the alloys in Twitch.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Recycling and Secondary Recovery,


A modeling methodology of new combustion technologies for aluminum remelting furnaces
Achieving High Impurity Tolerance in Recycled Aluminum Alloy through Solid Phase Processing
An Alternative Route to Upcycling Low Value Post Consumer Al Scrap (Twitch) Without Sortation
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Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Usage in Aluminium Cast House Equipment
Enhancing Secondary Aluminium Supply: Optimising Urban Mining through System Dynamics Modelling
How to Tackle Aluminium Product Carbon Footprint Reduction: Constellium Views For Aluminium Casthouses
Multifrequency Ultrasonic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys for Microstructural Modification
Net Zero in Smart Foundries: Green Sand Moulding Environmental Impact Lifecycle Assessment
Reduction of impurity elements from casting alloy scrap by fractional crystallization process
The impact of different fuel and oxidizer compositions on melt quality in secondary aluminum melting processes.

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