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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Alumina and Bauxite
Presentation Title The Application of Intelligent Control to Red Mud Settling and Washing in Alumina Refinery
Author(s) Yuehua Jiang, Jinlong Tian, Zhengyong Zhang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jinlong Tian
Abstract Scope Efficient operation of the red mud settling and washing system is a key operational goal for an alumina refinery. The concentration of soda in thickener underflow and the dosage of flocculant have great influence on the production cost of alumina. SAMI has developed an intelligent control system for red mud settling and washing, which can monitor the data of thickener online in real time. Through data mining, optimization of control strategy and other methods to realize automatic intelligent control. The intelligent control system has been put into operation for 2 years in an alumina refinery in China. The results show that the concentration of discharged soda is reduced by 25%, the consumption of flocculant is reduced by 15%, and the economic benefit is remarkable.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


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Introductory Comments: Alumina and Bauxite
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The Application of Intelligent Control to Red Mud Settling and Washing in Alumina Refinery

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