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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Bcc-Superalloys
Presentation Title Design and Deformation of BCC – B2 Refractory Multiprincipal Element Alloys
Author(s) Carolina Frey, Sebastian Kube, Ben Neumann, Justin Mayer, Patrick McNutt, Irene Beyerlein, Tresa M. Pollock
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tresa M. Pollock
Abstract Scope Refractory multiprincipal element alloys show promise for high temperature structural applications beyond 1200˚C. However, many single phase solid solution refractory MPEs do not retain a high level of strength beyond 1200˚C. The design of MPEs with Ru-containing B2 precipitates that are stable above 1200˚C will be described. Alloys containing RuHf, RuAl and RuTi B2 precipitates display a wide range of microstructures. However, implementing a strategy to control precipitate – matrix misfit via adjustments in the BCC matrix composition results in precipitation of spherical, coherent B2 precipitates in a BCC matrix. Solvus temperatures for the B2 precipitates can be adjusted to maintain stability well above 1300˚C. APB energies and elastic properties of the B2 precipitates are compared to other common B2 compounds. Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms will be discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


A Comparison Between Cr- and Fe-Based Superalloys Strengthened by Hierarchically Structured Precipitates
Advancing High-Temperature Structural Applications: Design and Manufacturing of BCC Refractory MPEAs Via Additive Manufacturing Technologies
AlCoCrFeNi-Based High Entropy Superalloy Coating Applied onto the Surface of Al-Alloys
Atomistic Simulation of Dislocation Behavior in a Model BCC-B2 Alloy Using Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials
Atomistic Simulations of Cr-Si Alloys
Challenges Facing the Design of Refractory BCC-B2 Alloys for 3D Printing
Characterisation of Ion-Irradiated BCC Ferritic Superalloys for High-Temperature and Nuclear Applications
D-3: Design of Novel Intermetallic Reinforced Nano-Structured Steels for Nuclear
Design and Deformation of BCC – B2 Refractory Multiprincipal Element Alloys
Design and Development of a Light-Weight and Low Neutron Cross-Section TiZrNbV High-Entropy Alloy with Room Temperature Tensile Plasticity
Development of Novel Intermetallic Dispersion Strengthened Steels
Development of (Relatively) Low Cost Refractory-Ruthenium Based Superalloys (RRSs)
Enhanced Creep Resistance Influenced by Lattice Strain Fields and Grain Boundary Sliding of Mo-Doped Ferritic Medium Entropy Superalloys
Evolution of the BCC + B2 Microstructure and Its High Temperature Stability in Refractory High Entropy Alloys
High-Temperature Evolution of Irradiation Defects in WTaCrV Refractory High-Entropy Alloy for Nuclear Fusion Applications
High Entropy Superalloys in Advanced Modular Reactors
High Temperature Environmental Degradation of Novel Fe-Based BCC Superalloys
High Temperature Mechanical and Irradiation Response of a Eutectic Refractory Alloy
Identification of the B2 Phase in the TaRe Binary BCC Phase Field Via Multiscale Characterization Techniques and Neutron Diffraction
Interaction of Cr-Si-Base Alloys with Ceramics at High Temperatures
Investigation of Nano-Scale Phase Separation in Refractory High Entropy Alloys Using Complementary Techniques
Mechanical and Environmental Behaviour of Novel Cr(Fe)-NiAl bcc-Superalloys Tailored for High Temperature Applications
Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanism of Cast and Additively Manufactured NiAl-CrMo In-Situ Composites
Mechanical Properties of an A2/B2 Refractory Superalloy (RSA) and Its Constituent Phases
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of A2/L22-Strengthened Ferritic Superalloys
Recent Improvements in BCC-Based Alloy Prediction Capabilities in Thermo-Calc Software and Databases
Room Temperature Tensile Ductility in a Cr-based Alloy
Stability and Slip Mechanisms of B2 Phases in Refractory Alloys
Stability of Undesired AlxZry Ordered Omega Phases in Al-Containing Refractory High Entropy Superalloys
Superconductivity in the New Titanium-Rich BCC High-Entropy Alloy
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformation Pathways in BCC-B2 Refractory Superalloys
Tungsten-Based BCC Superalloys for Nuclear Fusion
Understanding Refractory Metal High Entropy Superalloys Through Systematic Design

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