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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Hume-Rothery Symposium on Thermodynamics of Microstructure Stability and Evolution
Presentation Title Dynamical phase-field simulation of the THz light-matter interaction in ferroelectrics
Author(s) Jiamian Hu, Yujie Zhu, Taorui Chen, Shihao Zhuang, Bo Wang, Aiden Ross, Xiangwei Guo, Venkatraman Gopalan, Long-Qing Chen
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jiamian Hu
Abstract Scope The spontaneous polarization in most ferroelectric materials has a terahertz (THz)-range resonant frequency and can therefore resonantly interact with an incident THz electromagnetic (EM) wave, leading to an efficient manipulation of the polarization with a thousand times faster speed than the conventional approach of applying a voltage. In this talk, the speaker will first introduce their in-house dynamical phase-field model that uniquely incorporates the coupled dynamics of polarization, strain, and EM waves at a spatial scale down to unit-cell level, which enables an accurate simulation of the THz light-matter interaction in ferroelectrics. The speaker will then discuss the application of this new computational tool to understand and predict (i) the frequency and thickness dependent transmission and propagation across a freestanding ferroelectric slab and (ii) the THz wave nonlinearity in both bulk and strained thin-film ferroelectrics, followed by a brief outlook for the future studies in this emerging research topic.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Modeling and Simulation, Electronic Materials, Phase Transformations


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