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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Phase Transformations in Additively Manufactured Materials
Presentation Title Development of Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Tools for Additive Manufacturing
Author(s) Kaisheng Wu, Paul Mason, Deepankar Pal
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kaisheng Wu
Abstract Scope The complicated and highly non-equilibrium conditions of additive manufacturing pose a grand challenge to existing computational thermodynamic and kinetic tools that have had great values for traditional solidification and heat treatment processes. Meanwhile, increasingly sophisticated numerical algorithms in microstructural and mechanical simulations for AM applications require a variety of materials data that are not only reasonably accurate, but also deliberately processed and organized. In this work, a cooling rate dependent solute drag model for multi-component systems has been developed to account for the non-equilibrium solute partitioning during the rapid cooling AM process. It has also been embedded in Scheil model for micro segregation behavior. Work has also been done to provide well-curated materials data, e.g., heat capacity, density, etc. for facilitating subsequent mechanical analyses. These functionalities have been integrated into ANSYS additive manufacturing software to perform processing simulations. Preliminary results of some alloys have been shown to demonstrate their capabilities.


Design of Post-fabrication Heat Treatments for Ti Free Grade 300 Maraging Steel Manufactured Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LBPF) Process
Development of Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Tools for Additive Manufacturing
Effects of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Parameters and Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Inconel 718 Alloy
In-situ Characterization of Rapid Phase Evolution of AM Metals with High Energy Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Grade 300 Maraging Steel for Tooling Applications
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Stainless Steel 15-5PH: Microstructure Analysis and Process Optimization
Microstructure Engineering through Post-heat Treatment of Inconel 718 Superalloy Made by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Phase Field Simulations of Cellular-to-Dendritic Transition under Additive Manufacturing Conditions
Process Optimization and Microstructure Analysis to Understand Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Stainless Steel 316L
Rapid Solidification of Aluminium 6061 Using Fast Scanning DSC
Real-time Observation of the Competition between Ferritic vs Austenitic Solidification in Micro-laser Welding of 316L Using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Understanding the Effect of Thermal Gradients on Additively Manufactured (AM) Builds Using In Situ TEM

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