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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Solid-State Transformations Under Complex Thermal Conditions
Presentation Title Multi-Stimuli Integration in Alloy Design: A Shear-Assisted Processing Approach for High-Performance Nano-Composite Materials
Author(s) Bharat Gwalani, Md Jasim Uddin, Aniruddha Malakar, Farhan Ishrak, Dongsheng li, Arun Devaraj, Elizabeth Kautz, Michael Lastovich, Tim Horn, Christopher Rock, Fu-Yun Tsai
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Bharat Gwalani
Abstract Scope Typically, in alloy design, thermodynamic modeling is employed to foresee equilibrium states. This is succeeded by thermomechanical treatment to disrupt the equilibrium state, followed by final annealing treatments to achieve a consistently stable state for practical applications. However, this conventional approach considers thermal activation, stress, and chemical stress separately, often resulting in states that may not be the most efficient utilization of precious metallic ingredients. This research aims to integrate multiple stimuli, such as mechanical stress, chemical potentials, and thermal activation, to create multifunction composite alloys. In our current study, we utilize an Al-Mg alloy modified with Fe3O4 particles through friction-assisted processing to produce nano-composite materials comprising Al, Al-Fe intermetallics, core-shell particles of Fe+MgO, and Al2O3. These composites exhibit high mechanical strength, ductility, and ferromagnetic characteristics.


Additive Manufacturing of Beta Titanium Alloys: Influence of Thermo-Kinetics on Solid State Precipitation (Invited)
Design and Function of a Nanocalorimetry Sensor for In-Situ TEM Imaging
Effect of Partial Transformation Cycling on Transformation Behaviour of a Binary Nickel-Based Alloy
In-Situ Heating in Transmission Electron Microscopy to Characterize Nuclear Fuel
Multi-Stimuli Integration in Alloy Design: A Shear-Assisted Processing Approach for High-Performance Nano-Composite Materials
Predicting Emergence of Nanoscale Order in Surfaces Oxides Through Preferential Interactivity Parameter
Thermal Fatigue of Sn-Based Solders in Heterogenous Integration in Packaging (HIP) by Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy
Towards Predictive Microstructural Design of Additively Manufactured Metals
Using the SEAQT Framework to Predict the Kinetics of Irradiating an FeCr Alloy

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