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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Validation of Computational Tools - Industrial Perspectives
Presentation Title The Evolution of ICME in the Aerospace Industry: Past, Present, and Future
Author(s) Adam L. Pilchak, Vasisht Venkatesh, Manish Kamal, Lee Semiatin, David Furrer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Adam L. Pilchak
Abstract Scope There is a long, rich history of using computational tools and methods to support the development and application of critical components in the aerospace industry. This presentation will review the emergence and evolution of these enabling technologies in the areas of casting, forging and heat treatment, and material performance. Important developments related to predicting microstructure evolution and its influence on material properties will also be discussed. Despite the prevalence of these tools, there is still not a seamless workflow connecting the design, manufacturing, lifing, and sustainment of components. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering promised to create these linkages, but more than 20 years after becoming a formal discipline there are still many challenges that must be overcome, some of which will be highlighted here. Nevertheless, there have been numerous successes in using models within industrial practice. One major achievement is the use of models in material definitions, which enables microstructure-and-material-pedigree-specific lifing.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Modeling and Simulation, ICME,


Accelerating Materials Innovation in Industry using ICME
Development and Validation of Optimization Tool for Continuous Caster Operations Based on CFD Simulations
Finite Element Simulation of Edge and Crack Evolution in Thin Slab Rolling Process
Fluidodynamic Analysis In The Continuous Casting Mold For Conventional Slab And Inside The Submerged Entry Nozzle (Sen) Using Mathematical Simulation.
Microstructure-Informed Multiscale Structural Analysis and Design Software for Additively Manufactured Metal Alloys
Modeling of Microstructure Evolution during Multi-Pass Hot-Rolling of 316L Stainless Steel
Multiphase Flow, Particle Transport and Capture During a Ladle Exchange in Steel Continuous Casting
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of the Vacuum Arc Remelting Process
Process Modeling for Predicting Microstructure and Properties of Investment-cast Ni-based Superalloy
The Evolution of ICME in the Aerospace Industry: Past, Present, and Future
The Role of Process Variability within ICME Tool Development for Aerospace Turbine Applications
Validation of Electro-Slag Remelting Process Simulations for the Production of Commercial HAYNES® 282® Alloy Ingots
Validation of Microstructure Evolution and Strength Prediction Models on Two Commercial Gamma-Prime Strengthened Ni-base Superalloys

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