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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2D Materials – Preparation, Properties, Modeling & Applications
Presentation Title Laser Expansion of Intercalated Graphite for the Production of High Quality Liquid Phase Exfoliated Graphene
Author(s) Yarjan Abdul Samad, Rami Elkaffas, Haider Butt
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Haider Butt
Abstract Scope As graphene increasingly integrates into various industries, the necessity to produce high-quality graphene sheets on a large scale becomes crucial. Here, we present a unique approach for large-scale production of graphene through laser-assisted graphite expansion followed by ultrasonic exfoliation.The present method utilizes laser technology to significantly expand graphite, achieving an expansion rate of 800 mL/g with a remarkably low energy consumption of just two watts per second.The graphene samples exhibited high quality (ID/IG) ~ 0.13 and few layers with a (I2D/IG) ~ 0.52.Through filtration technique, free-standing films with different thicknesses (11-69 μm) were successfully prepared, reaching significant electrical conductivity up to (~ 1707 S/cm). Graphene film with a 11 μm thickness achieve the highest absolute effectiveness (SSE/t) of ~ 58666 dB cm2 g−1, surpassing most current graphene and MXene films, which typically present values in the range of 10000 to 40000 dB cm2 g−1 .
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nanotechnology, Electronic Materials, Powder Materials


3D Complex and Hierarchical Architectures Titanium Carbide (MXene) Nanosheets into for Energy Applications
3D Integration of 2D Devices for Advanced Memory, Logic, and Bio-Inspired Computing
3D Printed Nanomaterials-Based Electronics
A Mechanistic Study of MXene Current Collectors for Lithium-Metal-Based Batteries
Advanced ORR Electrocatalyst from Physicochemical Integration of N-doped Graphene, MOF, and MXene by Wet Ball Milling
Amorphous-to-Crystalline Phase Transition Behavior a Quasi-One Dimensional Van Der Waals Material
Atomic and Electronic Structure of Si-Ge Quantum Wells
Atomic Structure and Mechanical Properties of Grain Boundaries in MoS2
B-1: A Novel Graphene−Enabled Tunable Plasmonic TE−TM Mode Waveguide Filter
B-2: Heterolayered Anion-Mixed Salt-Inclusion Structures
B-3: In-Situ Characterization of Mechanical and Fracture Behavior in MXene/PVDF Nanocomposites
B-4: Understanding the Negative Poisson's Ratio of Graphene Oxide Through Rotation Mechanisms
CO2 Capture Using Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks
Data-Driven Discovery of 2D Materials' Systems for Solar Energy Conversion
Effect of Orientation of Cobalt Nanowires in Carbon Nanotube Matrix on Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness
Enhancement of Electrical Conductivity in Copper-Graphene Multilayer System
Enhancing Flexible Device Applications With 2D Materials
Evaluating the Diffusion Coefficient of TiSe₂ for High-Performance Battery Applications
Exploring Radiation Tolerance of MoS2
Flexible Nanocomposite Films Based on Carbon Nanotubes/MXene/Cobalt Nanowires for Enhanced EMI Shielding Applications
Heteroegenous Integration of 2D/3D Heterostructures
ICME in Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis and Characterization of 2D Refractory Metal Carbides
Influence of Graphene and Mos2 Buffer Layer Thickness on Performance of Copper Zin Tin Sulfide Solar Cells
Investigating the “Stiffness of Water” in Ti3C2Tx MXenes via Modulated Nano Indentation
Investigation of Layer Stacking in 2D Material Polymorphs and Heterostructures
Laser Expansion of Intercalated Graphite for the Production of High Quality Liquid Phase Exfoliated Graphene
Laser Processing of Novel 2D Materials
Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation of Drug-Containing Coatings
Mesoscale Simulation of Electrical Performance Degradation on Electronics Due to Defects and Carriers Dynamics Induced by Ionizing Radiation
Modeling Intercalation of 2D Metals in Epitaxial Graphene
Next Generation Supercapacitors Using MXene-Infiltrated Porous Silica Electrodes
Novel Technique to Fabricate Thick Carbon Nanotube-Based Buckypaper for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Applications
Phase-Field Modeling of 2D Materials Growth During Chemical Vapor Deposition
Phase Transformation of Diamond from Layered Graphene with Tilt Grain Boundaries
Recent Advancements in Computational Modeling for Accelerating 2D Material Design and Applications
Scalable 2D Semiconductor-Based Field Effect Transistor Nanosensor for Emerging Contaminants Detection
Sensing and Removal of PFAS by Titanium Carbide MXene: Impact of the MXene Surface Properties on PFAS Removal
Solid-State van der Waals Solids: From Pristine Crystalline-Quality Films to Quasi-Amorphous Ensembles for Optoelectronics and Sensors
Spatial-Selective Electrostatic Doping of Graphene Through Metal Atom Precipitation at Substrate Heterointerface
Strain-Induced Moiré Patterns in Non-Twisted 2D Materials: Evolution Mechanism and Interface Dynamics
Sustainable Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide from Sugarcane Dry Leaves and Onion Peel Waste by Pyrolysis Process for Antibacterial Activity
Synthesis and Properties of Semiconducting Tellurium Nano-Wire and 2D Plates
Synthesis of Novel and Chemically Complex 2D Carbide MXenes
Synthesis of TiS2 Magnesium Ion Battery Cathode Material by CVT Method
The Shape Effect: Influence of 1D and 2D Boron Nitride Nanostructures on the Radiation Shielding, Thermal, and Damping Properties of High-Temperature Epoxy Composites
Theory of the Electronic Structure of Buckled MoS2
Toward Industrial Production of Linde Type A Zeolite for Various Applications from Nigerian Kaolin Deposit: A First Attempt at Investigation of Process Variables
Tuning Mechanical and Electronic Properties of Bilayer Graphene by Strain Engineering
Tuning the Properties of TMDCs Through Alloying and Doping
Ultrafast Laser Based Synthesis of Nanoparticles Doped 2 Dimensional Materials
Ultrafast Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging and Multiphysics Modelling of Ultrasound Assisted Liquid Phase Exfoliation in Viscous Fluids
Understanding and Reducing Point Defects in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Understanding Defects and Dopants in 2D Materialsy Coupling Ab-Initio Calculations with Experiments
Wafer-Scale Epitaxial MoS2 Monolayers Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition: Effects of Growth Temperature and Pre-Growth Annealing
Wafer-Scale Integration and Extraordinary Functional Properties of Q-Carbon Thin Films

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