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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanics and Physiological Adaptation of Hard and Soft Biomaterials and Biological Tissues
Presentation Title Mechanics and Applications of Bioinspired Bioadhesives for Tissue Repair
Author(s) Jianyu Li
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jianyu Li
Abstract Scope Bioadhesives form appreciable adhesion to biological tissues. Examples include blood clots, a native bioadhesive formed by the human body to seal wounds, as well as adhesive hydrogels that find increasing use in the clinic for wound management and tissue repair. Despite the significance and extensive usage of bioadhesives, the mechanics of bioadhesives remains less explored, which involves complexity of interfacial fracture, and bulk mechanics of bioadhesives and tissues. To advance mechanics of bioadhesives, our lab combines experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches to investigate the bulk and interfacial mechanics of blood clots and tough hydrogel adhesives. Specifically, my talk will discuss (1) fracture mechanics of human blood clots and derivatives; (2) scaling behavior of fracture properties of adhesive hydrogels; (3) tissue adhesion with tough hydrogels: Experiments and modeling. The understanding will be shown to promote the performance of bioadhesives in wound management, bleeding control and tissue repair.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Characterization, Modeling and Simulation


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Materials for Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology
Mechanics and Applications of Bioinspired Bioadhesives for Tissue Repair
Mimicking the Structure and Properties of Bone with Freeze Casting
Mineral Ellipsoids and Nanochannel Structures in Bone
Multi-scale Characterization of Ear Bone Mechanics

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