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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Manufacturing Changes and Challenges Associated with Electric Vehicles
Presentation Title Application of Emerging Manufacturing Processes on the Electrical Vehicle Industry
Author(s) Timothy Skszek
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Timothy Skszek
Abstract Scope Examination of emerging manufacturing processes, such as ShAPE and Hot Stamp Gen3 Steel, and joining technologies, such as HiVe clinch and HiVe rivet, to address the issues imposed by increased mass and changes to the center of gravity as imposed by EV's . The EV imposes unique design requirements associated with the need to minimize intrusion into the passenger compartment and battery tray, while managing the deceleration "pulse" required to insure occupant safety.


Application of Emerging Manufacturing Processes on the Electrical Vehicle Industry
Development of a Continuous Lamination Manufacturing Process for Fabricating Long-Length Flexible Printed Circuit Boards for Electric Vehicles Battery Assembly Units
Recent Developments of Large-Sized Magnesium Alloy Castings in the Automotive Industry

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