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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Coatings for Wear and Corrosion Protection
Presentation Title High-performance Boron-based Coatings Alloyed with Chrome to Protect Against Wear and Corrosion
Author(s) Borys Sereda, Dmytro Sereda
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Borys Sereda
Abstract Scope The paper considers the SHS gas transportation technology for the production of protective coatings from boron alloyed with chromium on steel. Using the method of mathematical modeling, optimal compositions of SHS mixtures have been developed for applying wear-resistant coatings to parts of machines operating in conditions of shock-dynamic stress. The test results of steel samples for wear under friction on a friction machine SMT-1 indicate a significant increase in the wear resistance of the processed samples. Tests on the MT-5 friction machine (friction under sliding friction conditions) showed that Si-doped protective coatings provide the best wear resistance. When sliding friction tests of titanium coatings doped with boron, the wear resistance of coatings with a titanium coating is 1.6-1.9 times higher compared to control samples. The SHS method provides high surface quality.


Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviors of Nitrogen-enriched Stainless Steels and High Chromium White Irons
High-performance Boron-based Coatings Alloyed with Chrome to Protect Against Wear and Corrosion
High Performance Amorphous Based Thermal Sprayed Coatings for Molten Salt Environment
Improved Coating Performance of REACH Compliant Trivalent Chromium Plating Process for Functional Applications
Production of Chromium-aluminized Coatings to Protect Against Wear and Corrosion
The Surface Integrity of Hard Coatings and Surface Treatments on Alloy 17-4PH in Highly Soured Environments

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