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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Materials Design and Alloy Development II
Presentation Title Novel Alloy Development Using Laser Directed Energy Deposition
Author(s) Eric M. Heikkenen, Sudarsanam S. Babu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Eric M. Heikkenen
Abstract Scope Laser Directed Energy Deposition presents an exciting new opportunity for alloy development using in-situ powder mixing via multiple powder feed hoppers. This technique alloys for both novel alloy development and the fine-tuning of alloy compositions for additive manufacturing with unprecedented pace and reduced cost by completely circumventing the traditional alloy development cycle. Only a few powder compositions would be needed to create an incredibly wide range of resulting alloy compositions. Further advancement can be realized through the use of thermodynamic modeling to guide the process. As an example, silicon content in an aluminum alloy could be optimized precisely for additive manufacturing by using only two different powders. Alternatively, a stainless steel alloy could be optimized to limit delta ferrite formation upon rapid cooling by varying chromium and nickel content.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


A-49 (Invited): Additions of Iron to Grain Refine Ti Alloys during Laser Powder Bed Fusion
A-50 (Invited): Alloy Development Feeder for Accelerated Materials Development
A-51: Additive Manufacturing of Atomized Ti-1Al-8V-5Fe by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
A-53: Automatically Quantifying Phase Information from HRTEM for Additively Manufactured Inconel 718
A-54: Ball-milled CoCr + X (X=WC or SiC) Composite Powders for Additive Applications
A-55: Cold Spray Deposition of Aluminum onto Polymer and Composite Substrates
A-56: Compression Behavior of Additively Manufactured High Entropy Alloy with Transformation Induced Plasticity
A-57: Design of Easy-to-Use Structural Alloy Feedstocks for Additive Manufacturing Using Machine Learning Methods
A-58: Development of Laser Parameters for Pure Copper with Parts Fabricated from Laser Powder Bed Fusion (PBF)
A-59: Development of Metallic Glass Micro-wires for the Direct Laser Melting Deposition Process
A-60: Effect of Laser Glazing on Quasicrystals in Powder-processed Icosahedral-phase-strengthened Aluminum Alloys
A-61: Exploring Rapid Solidification in Additive Manufacturing through Splat Quenching
A-62: High-temperature Compressive and Creep Properties of Equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloy Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting
A-63: Hybrid Additive Manufacturing of MS1-H13 Steels via Direct Metal Laser Sintering
A-64: Investigating Solidification and Liquation Cracking in AA7075 Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication Deposits
A-65: Isotropic Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Ti-based Alloy
A-66: Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a High Entropy Alloy Enabled with Transformation Induced Plasticity
A-67: Nickel Free Stainless Steels Powders Designed for Laser Based Powder Bed Fusion Intended for Implantable Devices
A-68: On The Effect of Building Direction on the Microstructure and Grain Morphology of a Selective Laser Melted Maraging Stainless Steel
A-69: Origin and How to Reduce Splatter in Powder Bed Fusion
A-70: Performance of Wire-arc Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr Dissimilar Alloy-alloy Composite Interfaces
A-71: Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing of Cu / 17-4 PH Layered Structures
A-72: Predicting Phase Morphologies in AM Titanium
A-73: Simulation of Part-scale Grain Structure Development During Additive Manufacturing Solidification
A-74: Synchrotron Imaging of the Influence of TiB2 on Cracking Phenomena During Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Al2139
A-75: Tailoring Grain Structures for Metallic Additive Manufacturing
A-77 (Digital): Understanding Cellular Structures in Additively Manufactured 316L
A Novel Titanium Alloy for Additively Manufactured Orthopaedic Implants
A Parameter Optimization Framework for Defect-free Metal Additive Manufacturing Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion
A Rapid Screening Benchmark Test Methodology for Accelerated AM Alloy Design
A20X and AlSi10Mg Aluminium Alloys: A Comparison
Accelerated Development of Alloys via Direct Laser Metal Deposition
Accelerated Development of Functional Materials via Additive Manufacturing
Addition of Nano-particles During Additive Manufacturing of AlSi10Mg Alloy
Additive Manufacturing and Architected Materials: New Process Developments and Materials
Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Aluminum-cerium Alloys
Additive Manufacturing of Al-10Ce Alloys by Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Gas Atomized Powders
Additive Manufacturing of Bulk Metallic Glass Composites with Improved Mechanical Properties
Additive Manufacturing of Commercially Available Metastable β-Ti Alloys
Additive Manufacturing of Crack-free W-base Refractory Materials
Additive Manufacturing of Immiscible Alloy Systems
Additive Manufacturing of Wear Resistant Metallic Glass Components for Space Exploration
Alloy-dilution Effects and Mechanical Response in Wire-arc Additively-manufactured Alloy-alloy Composites Built Using Ti-6Al-4V and Commercially-pure Titanium
Alloy Development For Additive Manufacturing For High Volume Automotive Applications
Alloy Prototyping Techniques for Powder-based Additive Manufacturing
An Overview of Metal Alloy Development Needs and Activities at NASA JPL
Application of a Thermodynamics-informed Materials Design Simulator for Microstructure Control During AM
Application of Direct Aluminothermic Reduction to the Production of Al-Ce-based Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
Assessing the Printability of Metal Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
CALPHAD Aided Design of Aluminum Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
Composition Control in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Through Differential Evaporation
Computational Design of Compositionally Graded Alloys for Monotonic Property Gradients
Design of Al-Fe-Si-based Additively Manufactured High Temperature Light Weight Alloys
Design of New Titanium Alloy for Additive Manufacturing with the CALPHAD Method
Design of “Dynamic Alloys” for Additive Manufacturing
Development of High Thermal Conductivity Aluminum Alloys Suitable for Additive Manufacturing
Development of New Ti-64 Modified Alloys for Additive Manufacturing with Columnar to Equiaxed Transition
Development of Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Tools for Additive Manufacturing
Development of Prediction Tools for Incorporation of Cooling Rate Dependent Solute Drag Based Thermo-physical Properties in Additive Manufacturing: A Sensitivity Study
Effect of Zr Alloying Content on the Printability and Property of Laser Powder Bed Fused Aluminum 5083 Alloys
Efficient Material and Processing Parameter Optimization in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Through Novel Amalgamation of Computational Modeling, Non-destructive Evaluation, and Material Characterization
Enabling Additive Manufacturing of High Temperature Aluminum Alloys Utilizing Grain Refiners
Feedstock Material Composition Modifications for Improved Processability by Laser Powder-bed Fusion: A Case Study on Aluminium
High Entropy Alloy Design and Selection for Additive Manufacturing & Extreme Environment Applications
Hybrid Ti with High Work Hardening Rate and Ductile Martensitic Ti: Novel Alloy Concepts Delivered by Selective Laser Melting
ICME-based Design of γ’-strengthened Co-based Superalloys for Additive Manufacturing
Inoculant Enabled Alloy Design for High Strength Aluminum
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a CoNi-base Superalloy for Advanced Components in Extreme Environments
Material Design for Additive Manufacturing of Soft Magnetic Materials for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Rotors
Microsegregation Analysis, Modeling, and Correlation to Cracking Behaviors in AM
Microstructural Control for Additive Manufacturing of Metal Alloys—an Advanced Microscopy Approach
Modeling Hot Cracking in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Nano-structured NiAl-Cr(Mo) In-situ Composites Processed by Additive Manufacturing
Novel Alloy Development Using Laser Directed Energy Deposition
Prospects of Application of New Aluminum Alloys for Selective Laser Melting
Rapid Exploration of Compositionally Complex Alloys via Additive Manufacturing and Molecular Dynamics
Rapid Process Parameter Discovery for Functionally Graded Heterogeneous Materials Using Machine Learning and High Throughput Experiments
Selective Laser Melting and Mechanical Properties of Al-Ce-X Alloys
Selective Laser Melting of Beta-type Ti-Nb Alloys for Bone Implants
Selective Laser Melting of Elemental Powder Blends to Manufacture Precipitation and Oxide-dispersion Strengthened Al Alloys
Site-specific Alloying of Low Carbon Steel Through Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing
Thinking Beyond the Prototypical ICME Approach: Alloy Design for Additive Manufacturing
Ti-Nb Alloy with Location-dependent Properties Using Laser Additive Approach
Towards an ICME Framework of Designing Post-process for Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
Uncertainty Quantification in Additive Manufacturing from CALPHAD to ICME Models
Understanding Microstructure Development of Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys by Combining In-situ/Ex-situ Characterization and Computational Modeling
Understanding Printability of Steels from Computational Modeling of Microstructural Evolution

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