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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Plasmonics in Nanocomposite Materials
Presentation Title Anisotropic and Shape-selective Plasmonic Nanomaterials: Structure-property Relationships
Author(s) Simona E. Hunyadi Murph
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Simona E. Hunyadi Murph
Abstract Scope As material size decreases into the nano size regime, novel properties arise that are different from their molecular and bulk counterparts. Isotropic nanomaterials have properties and functionalities that do not depend on spatial orientation, while anisotropic nanomaterials have properties and functionalities that are determined by their orientation within the x, y, and z dimensions. This presentation addresses the effect of dimensionality on the optical, electronic, chemical, and physical assets of various nanomaterials and how physical and chemical relationships can be exploited to improve their applications. I will highlight recent innovations from our laboratory by featuring uniquely shaped plasmonic noble metal (Au, Ag) and/or metal oxide (Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2) nanostructures and how their morphology and dimension affect their physico-chemical properties. Applications pertinent to sensing, sequestration, and photo-/magneto- thermal applications will be described.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nanotechnology,


Anisotropic and Shape-selective Plasmonic Nanomaterials: Structure-property Relationships
Electron Transfer and Catalysis in Plasmonic Nanocomposite Systems
Emerging Anisotropic 2D Layered Materials for Plasmonics and Polaritonics
Engineered Plasmonic Nanoparticle Based Detection: Advanced Sensitivity and Selectivity
Fin p-n Heterojunctions for High Brightness Light Emitting Diodes and Lasers at Sub-micron Scale
Gold and Au/Ni and Other Plasmonic Nanoparticles: Using Theory to Understand Metal Recovery and Optical Properties
Nanophotonics for Neural Engineering
Nanoplasmonics and Its Applications in Nanomedicine
Plasmonic Compound Nanohole Arrays
Spectral Enhancement of Dye Molecules Adsorbed on Titania Prepared on Gold Nanoparticles
Understanding Photocarrier and Gas Dynamics to Rationally Design Nano-heterostructured Photocatalysts for CO2 Conversion

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