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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Porous Materials for Biomedical Applications
Presentation Title Polymers Covering Open ZnMg Structures for Controlled Corrosion in Absorbable Implants
Author(s) Matteo Caranchini, Valeria Vistoso, Mitja Petrič, Primoz Mrvar, Stephane Mery, Lydie Ploux, Tiphaine Schott, Karine Mougin, Françoise Liautaud, Heinz Palkowski, Adele Carradò
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Adele Carradò
Abstract Scope Adaptable corrosion rates are crucial for the timely dissolution of absorbable ZnMg alloy implants. Combining ZnMg with polylactic-acid-PLA or polymethyl-methacrylate-PMMA polymers can effectively control its corrosion. Two open structures are being discussed. The first structure is created by drilling holes in a bulk alloy, while the second structure is made using leaching technology. After this, a chemical treatment is used to bond the polymer to both the exterior and interior surfaces of the metal. In the first structure, PMMA is grafted through surface-induced polymerization, while in the second, PLA is infiltrated by bulk polymerization. Biocompatibility assessments were conducted to evaluate infection risks for both PLA and Zn-Mg alloys. Electrochemical methods were used to assess corrosion susceptibility. The corrosion rate of Zn-Mg alloys is affected by multiple parameters, such as the composition and pH of the biological medium, the presence of oxygen, applied electrochemical parameters, and immersion time.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Thin Films and Interfaces, Biomaterials, Characterization


Forming of Open-Structured Zn1.5Mg Alloys to be Filled with Polymers for Absorbable Tissues
Gravity and Centrifugal Casting and Characterization of Composed As-Cast Foam From Biodegradable ZnMg1.5 Alloy and NaCl Salt
Magnetically Enhanced Nanotherapy for Targeted Cancer Treatment
Non-Thermal Plasma Modification of 3D-Printed Starch-Based Bio-Composites: Advancing Soft Robotics and Biocompatible Materials Through In-Situ Corona Discharge Treatment
Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coated Porous Zinc-Magnesium Alloys for Biodegradable Implants
Polymers Covering Open ZnMg Structures for Controlled Corrosion in Absorbable Implants
Scalable Funtionalization of Liposomes via a Membrane Lipid Exchange Process
Synthesis of Graphene Oxide GO@Au Nanosheets for Efficient Proliferation and Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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