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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Thermodynamic Properties, Structure and Phase Stabilities of Special Alloys
Presentation Title Thermodynamic Properties of Special Alloys of the Ti-Al System Formed under SHS Conditions
Author(s) Borys Sereda, Dmytro Sereda, Yuriy Belokon, Irina Kruglyak
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Borys Sereda
Abstract Scope The results of a thermodynamic analysis of the reactions that are possible in the preparation of titanium-aluminum alloy intermetallic compounds under conditions of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) are presented. Thermodynamic analysis showed that the adiabatic combustion temperature for the titanium-aluminum system is lower than the melting temperature of the final product, which is an insufficient condition for the SHS reaction to occur under normal conditions. To carry out the synthesis reaction, coarse heating of the system to the a-TiAl temperature of alloys of 400 ... 600 K is necessary. A sequence of SHS reactions is also established, leading to the formation, which helps to elucidate the mechanism of obtaining special alloys of the Ti-Al system formed under SHS conditions.


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Introductory Comments: Thermodynamic Properties, Structure and Phase Stabilities of Special Alloys
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Thermodynamic Properties of Special Alloys of the Ti-Al System Formed under SHS Conditions

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