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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Metastable Phases and Phase Equilibria: Towards Designing the Next Generation of Alloys
Presentation Title Pseudo-in situ Characterization of Phase Transformation in an Al-Cu-Mn-Zr Alloy using Atom Probe Tomography
Author(s) Bharat Gwalani, Elizabeth J. Kautz, Amit Shyam, Jonathan Poplawsky, Arun Devaraj
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Bharat Gwalani
Abstract Scope Aluminum (Al) alloys with improved high-temperature mechanical properties (up to 350oC) are needed to enable the next generation of higher efficiency, affordable vehicle engines. A significant challenge with traditional Al alloys is that at high temperatures the metastable, semi-coherent θ’(Al2Cu) transforms to θ(Al2Cu), the presence of which deteriorates mechanical properties. The compositionally optimized Al-Cu-Mn-Zr (ACMZ) alloys can be used at >325oC by utilizing an enveloping co-precipitation around θ’(Al2Cu) precipitates to extend the θ’ metastability. These co-precipitates could underpin the development of higher performance alloys (375-400oC). The current study focuses on characterization of coherent and incoherent interfacial changes, both compositional and structural, at fcc(matrix)- phase interfaces while aging. To have a detailed understanding of the coprecipitation mechanism, a novel in situ-atom probe tomography (APT) technique coupled with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to probe early stage aging at 300 oC in an ultra-high vacuum environment.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


Composition, Processing, and Property Relationships in Fe and Al Modified Ti-12Cr Alloys
Deformation Mechanisms in Metastable Fcc Alloys
Deformation Mode, Strain Path, and Strain Rate Effects on Austenite to Martensite Transformation in Gen 3 Steels
Exploration of Nano-scaled Metastable Phases in Metastable Beta Titanium Alloys Using Advanced Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography
Formation of Metastable Spiral Patterns during Directional Eutectic Solidification
Harnessing the Stability of 𝜃ʹ-Al2Cu at Unprecedented High Temperatures
Modeling of Metastable Phase Formation for Sputtered Ti1-xAlxN Thin Films
New Strain-transformable Titanium Alloys Displaying Unprecedented Combination of Mechanical Properties: from Design Approaches to Deformation Mechanisms
Precipitation Kinetics and Mechanical Behavior of Oxygen-stabilized Metastable Beta Ti-Nb Alloys
Pseudo-in situ Characterization of Phase Transformation in an Al-Cu-Mn-Zr Alloy using Atom Probe Tomography
Resetting Mechanical Property of 9Cr Steel by Segregation Engineering
Shape Memory Response of High Temperature NiTiHfPd
The Intrinsic Coupling Between Twinning Plasticity and Transformation Plasticity in Metastable β Titanium Alloys
Thermal Decomposition of Quasicrystals in Powder-processed Icosahedral-phase-strengthened Aluminum Alloys
Towards Work-hardenability of Ti-6Al-4V Through a Quenching and Partitioning Approach
Tuning Strength in TRIP Titanium alloys

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