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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials 2025: In-Situ Characterization Techniques
Presentation Title Opening Pandora’s Box: Addressing the Closed Nature of Post-Processing Methods for Computed Tomography (CT) Images With Application Perspectives for Energetic Materials
Author(s) Stewart H. Youngblood, Sean Palmer, Alan Williams
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Stewart H. Youngblood
Abstract Scope X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a widely used tool for in-situ interrogation of microstructure and geometrical characteristics of materials. It is not uncommon to observe image artifacts resulting from beam hardening due to large disparities in density between the constituents or component materials. Alternatively, similarity in densities can obscure boundaries between materials and hide discontinuities. Typical post-processing of images to address these issues use commercial software packages with proprietary processing routines that are effectively “black boxes”. The closed nature of these approaches limit continuity across research efforts and there has been limited characterization of post-processing effects on measured micro- and meso-scale properties. Here we present current efforts in developing and assessing “open” box image processing approaches for addressing beam hardening artifacts and improving material segmentation. Application perspectives will be in regard to characterizing micro- and meso-scale features of energetic materials including mono-molecular explosives, heterogenous explosive compositions, and pyrotechnics.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Other, Characterization, Powder Materials


A Comprehensive Review on Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis of Polyester Reinforced Composites
A New Technology Innovation for Material Thermal Conductivity Measurements: Thermo-Optical Plane Source (TOPS)
Addition of Particulate Material From Sintering Plant to a Red Ceramics Mass
Advancing In-Situ Characterization and Processing With Raman Spectroscopy in Self-Driving Labs - Proof of Concept With Chocolate as Frugal Twin
Anodization Behavior of Additive Manufactured Aluminum Alloys
Atom Probe Tomography on a Novel Mg-Er Alloy
Characterization of Polymer Resin Composite With Fiberglass and Polycarbonate Microfibers for Applications in Small-Scale Boat Models
Characterizing Battery Materials With a New Mass Spectrometry Technique
Characterizing Microstructural Texture of Polycrystalline Materials Using Ultrasonic Scattering
Chemo-Mechanical Characterization of V2O5 Single Crystals Via Nanoindentation and In Situ Lithiation
Coal-Based Colloidal Composite Binder: Characterization of a New Efficient Binder for Iron Ore Agglomeration
Correlating Grain Boundary Character with Ionic Conductivity via EIS and 3D Diffraction Tomography
Correlative Transmission Electron Microscopy For In Situ Grain Growth Studies in Metallic Thin Films
Cu-Sn Anode Failure: Understanding the Mechanism From the Optical Approach
Deep Learning Based Reconstruction From Sparse 2D Projection Datasets for In Situ Tensile Experiments
Dendrite Growth Observation of the Ni-Based System Using In-Situ Synchrotron Imaging
Deployment and Testing of a Fiber-Based Instrument for In-Reactor Thermal Property Measurements at MIT Research Reactor
Developing In-Situ Diagnostics for Evaluation of Incipient Electrochemical Nucleation and Growth
Development and Characterization of an Ultrastrong Single-Phase High Entropy Alloy With Enhanced Ductility
Development of Axlebox Bearing Temperature Monitoring System to Ensure the Operation Safety of Railway Vehicle
Effect of Sulfur on the Surface Tension of Low-Sulfur Manganese-Boron Steel
Enabling Advances in Electron Backscatter Diffraction With Direct Electron Detectors (DED)
Enhancement Recovery of Fine Kaolin Particles by Microbubble Flotation
Estimation of Elastic Constants in Low Symmetry Materials With In-Situ Neutron Diffraction
Estimation of Online Homogenization of a Particle Mixture With Acoustic Emission
H-10: Characterization and Mechanical Analysis of Different Types of Biochar Incorporated Into Coating Mortar
H-11: Characterization of Feedstock and Recovered End-of-Life NdFeB Magnet Using X-Ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy
H-12: Characterization of Yellow and Red Clays and Bauxite Residue: Analysis of Properties and Potential for Ceramic Products
H-13: Contribution of Mineral Oil on Pore Stability of Alkali-Activated Composites for Co2 Capture
H-14: Critical Issues on Fly-Ash Alkali-Activated Using Hydroxide and Carbonate Sources
H-15: Durability Evaluation of Cement-Based Composites Reinforced With Guaruman Fibers
H-16: Effects of Red Mud on the Mechanical and Piezoresistive Properties of Mortars
H-17: Evaluation of Applicability of Natural Pineapple Leaf Fibers for Preparation of Coating Mortars
H-18: Evaluation of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Extruded, Pressed, and Fired Red Ceramic Blocks
H-19: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Soil-Cement Blocks Under Simple Compression and Cyclic Shear Loads
H-20: Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Thermal Performance of Extruded, Pressed and Fired Ceramic Blocks
H-21: Feasibility of Incorporating Water Treatment Plant Sludge Into Ceramic Blocks
H-22: Influence of Marble Granulometry on the Hardened State Properties of Mortars
H-23: Investigation of the Potential Use of Spodumene in Sustainable Mortars
H-25: Mechanical Behavior Analysis of Cement Mortar in Hardened State With Substitution of Furniture Sawdust Residue (FSR)
H-26: Microstructural Characterization of Nitrided Low Alloy Steel Using EPMA Scatter Diagram Method
H-27: Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Soils for the Production of Extruded, Pressed, and Fired Red Ceramic Blocks
H-28: Production and Evaluation of Technological Properties of Artificial Agglomerated Rock With Black Rock Waste São Gabriel
H-29: Rheological and Mechanical Viability of Alkali-Activated Pastes for Oil Well Application
H-30: Soil Blocks Using Geopolymer and Partial Replacement of Soil With Construction Waste
H-31: Technological Properties of Soil-Cement Bricks Produced With Soils From the Red Ceramic Industry of Campos Dos Goytacazes
H-8: Activation of Granite Waste by Grinding for Applications as a Precursor In Geopolymers
H-9: Analysis of Accelerated Degradation in the Laboratory of Pressed Ceramic Blocks of Red Ceramic
High Energy Diffraction Microscopy as a Tool for In-Situ Characterization of Materials
High Purity Arsenic Trioxide Prepared From Arsenic Sulfide Residue With Reduction Method
Implementing Transmission X-Ray Microscopy at X-Ray Free Electron Lasers for In-Situ Studies of Laser Powder Bed Fusion
In-Situ Characterization Methods for Thermophysical Property Measurements Using the Electro-Magnetic Levitator On-Board the International Space Station
In-Situ Grain Growth Analysis With Quenching Dilatometry and Non-Destructive Laser Ultrasound
In-Situ Mechanical Property Measurement Using Laser Ultrasound
In-Situ Multi-Scale Analysis of Local Deformation Behavior of Lath Martensite in Low-Carbon-Steel
In-Situ Sensor Monitoring and Multiclass Porosity Defects Prediction for Laser Powder Bed Fusion With Machine Learning
Influence of Functional-Gradation on the Energy Absorption Performance of Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) Lattice Structures
Investigating the Tribological Behavior of Nitinol Alloys Manufactured via Mechanical Alloying for Hip Implant Applications
Investigation of Laves Phase Dissolution and Homogenization Kinetics in IN718 With Varying Si Content Through a Combination of Characterization and Calculation
Lattice Parameter Evolution During the β-to-α and β-to-ω Transformations of Iron and Aluminum Modified Ti-11Cr(at.%)
Leveraging XRD, Total Scattering, and XAFS Techniques to Decipher Structure-Property-Performance Relationships in Ammonia Decomposition Catalysts
Local Electrical Characterization of Grain and Phase Boundaries in Alloys
Low Voltage Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction: Enabling High Resolution Mapping of Early Stage Recrystallization
Micromechanical Investigation of Defects in Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloys
Microstructural Evolution of Fe-Bearing Intermetallic Particle After Thermo-Mechanical Processing Using X-Ray Microcomputed Tomography
Modeling the Thermal Frequency Response of Printed Silver on Glass, Alumina, and Polyamide Substrates for Modulated Photothermal Radiometry
Multiscale Characterization and Experimentation to Analyze the Role of Ceramic Inoculants in the Failure Behavior of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites
Novel Acoustic Characterization Techniques for Lithium-Ion Battery Materials
Novel In-Situ Characterization of Uranium Diboride via Thermal Imaging
Opening Pandora’s Box: Addressing the Closed Nature of Post-Processing Methods for Computed Tomography (CT) Images With Application Perspectives for Energetic Materials
Phase Evolution of a Spinodal Copper Alloy, Characterized by In Situ Synchrotron X Ray Diffraction
Physicochemical Characterization and Alkali Dissolution of Alluvial Fe-Columbite Deposit for Feasible Formation of Soluble Niobium and Tantalum Complexes
Preparation of Glass-Ceramics From Ferronickel Slag and Iron Ore Tailings: Effects of Crystallization Temperature and Time
Process Mineralogy of a Manganese–Silver Ore in Mexico
Put a Gleeble in the Beam: Concepts for the Materials Oscilloscope
Quantitative Analysis of Corrosion Products, Pores and Carbides on Uncoated Single Crystal RenéN5 Superalloy
Recent Progress in Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Composites Based on Titanium Alloy and Hydroxyapatite at Central South University
Research and Application of O2-CO2 Mixed Blowing in Converter Steelmaking
Role of Biogas Recirculation in Direct Reduction of Iron Ore with Woody Biomass
Shock Compression Impact on Covalently-Bonded Materials
Simulation of Temperature Field of Water Cooling System in Nickel Flash Furnace Melting Process
Slag Characterization Techniques– Necessary Tool for Simulation of Refractory Corrosion
Structural and Dielectric Properties Analysis of Batio3 Doped Single and Double With Gadolinium and Europium
Structural Characterization of Tio2, Wo3, Zno and Sno2 for Modified Zinc - Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites Smart Coatings
Study and Characterization of an Adsorbent Material Used in the Direct Extraction of Lithium
Study on the Influence of Utilization Ratio of Carbonaceous Particles Injection in BOF Steelmaking
Synthesis and Characterization of Conventional and Non-Conventional Adsorbent Materials
Synthesis and Characterization of Surfactant Modified Clays for Adsorption Applications
The Reaction Behavior and Removal Law of Alkali Metals in the Pellet Process of Belt Roaster
Thermodynamic Study of Waste Circuit Board Chlorination Treatment
Thermophysical Property Measurement of Rare Earth Titanates With Aerodynamic Levitation and Laser Heating
Uncovering Fast Thermal Effects in Metals by In-Situ MEMS Heating in SEM
Unraveling the Mystery of Helium as Environment Gas in 3D Printing of Metals

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