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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Sustainability of High Temperature Alloys
Presentation Title Effects of an Oxidising Environment on the Dwell Fatigue of Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloys at Intermediate Service Temperature
Author(s) Joseph Doyle, Edward Saunders, Jane Woolrich, Nong Gao, Philippa Reed
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Joseph Doyle
Abstract Scope Ni-based single crystal superalloys are widely used to manufacture turbine blades for jet engines due to their excellent combination of high temperature mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. At elevated temperatures, fatigue crack propagation is governed by the combined effects of mechanical loading and environment. In this work the effects of dwell on the fatigue crack propagation in single crystal superalloys CMSX-4 and CMSX-10 have been studied at an intermediate service temperature (550°C) in an oxidising environment and an inert gas (low oxidising) environment. Three-point bend tests were conducted on single edge notched bend bars with a load ratio 0.1, tested under constant load using a trapezoidal waveform of 1-1-1-1 (baseline) and 1-90-1-1 (dwell). Crack growth was monitored using the direct current potential drop method and fatigue crack propagation mechanisms have been assessed using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to characterise the fracture surfaces and determine the controlling failure mechanisms.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords High-Temperature Materials, Copper / Nickel / Cobalt, Environmental Effects


Characterising the Effect of Environment and Salt Concentration on the Fatigue Life of a Nickel Disc Alloy
D-53: Enhancement of Crack Propagation Resistance by Healing Treatment in Boron Containing FeNi-Base Superalloy
D-54: Evaluation of Forming Stability and Crack Resistance in Inconel 718 Under Heat Treatment Conditions in Hot Forging Processes
D-55: Microstructure, Mechanical, Oxidation and Electrochemical Behavior of Thermo-Plastically Deformed High Entropy Alloys
D-56: Optimization of Ductility and Creep Life of Inconel 939-Type Nickel-Based Superalloys
Development of Direct Recycling Technique for Advanced Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloys
Effects of an Oxidising Environment on the Dwell Fatigue of Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloys at Intermediate Service Temperature
Effects of Fe Substitution on CoNi-Based Superalloys
Effects of Residual Ca Content on the Mechanical Response of a New Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superalloy
Extending Service Life through Location Specific Lifing of Components
Frequency and Directionality of the Onset of Heteroepitaxial Recrystallization
Microstructural Characterization of René N4 After Rejuvenation Heat Treatment
Novel Environmentally Friendly Cr-Si Slurry Coatings for Turbine Applications
Phase-Field-Informed Micromechanical Approach to Creep Behavior in Ni-Based Single-Crystal Superalloys at the Dendritic Scale
Relationship Between Manufacturing Parameters and Creep Performance of Inconnel718 Fasteners
Remanufacturing and Repair of Superalloys: A Focus on Alloy 718
Simulation of the Mechanical Behavior During Solidification and Possible Recrystallization During Heat Treatment Stages of a Nickel-Based Single-Crystal Superalloys
Temperature and Size Dependent Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured GRX-810
Very High Cycle Fatigue Life of Ni-Based SX Superalloy Subjected to Hot Corrosion

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