About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling
Presentation Title |
Plastic Localization in Solid Solution and Precipitation Strengthened Inconel 718 and Its Effect on VHCF Properties |
Author(s) |
Alice Cervellon, Damien Texier, Marie Agathe Charpagne, Chris J. Torbet, Valéry Valle, Jean Charles Stinville, Tresa M. Pollock |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Alice Cervellon |
Abstract Scope |
Fatigue crack nucleation in Ni-based superalloys with minimal metallurgical defects is governed by plastic strain localization in the form of microscopic fatigue shear bands near specific twin boundaries. This mechanism is observed to play a crucial role in determining fatigue life in the VHCF regime. The intensity of cyclic plastic localization, that depends on the precipitate structure of the alloy, strongly affects crack nucleation in the VHCF regime. The intensity of plastic localization has been measured by high resolution digital image correlation in a solid solution and precipitation strengthened variants of Inconel 718, and correlated to VHCF life. Both plastic localization and slip irreversibility are observed to be greatly increased by the presence of precipitates. As a consequence, a reduction in fatigue life is observed in the precipitation strengthened Inconel 718 in comparison to its solid solution version. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |