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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Incorporating Breakthrough Functionalities for Building Large Scale Components
Presentation Title Combining the best of both Wire DED and LPBF
Author(s) Benjmain White, Hannah Sims, Levi Van Bastian, Dale Cillessen
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Benjmain White
Abstract Scope Each of the many AM processes have their own distinct benefits, drawbacks, and design guidance, however the additive nature of AM fundamentally lends itself well to combining multiple processes to access the benefits of each. Fusion based AM processes in particular are highly compatible in principle, however workflow, fixturing and part/feature access present practical limitations. One of the more intriguing combinations of techniques is laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and wire directed energy deposition (WDED), where the LPBF can be used to create fine features, and the WDED leveraged to add significant mass. We will show the design and fabrication of a hybrid LPBF-WDED nose cone, focusing on both successful outcomes and lessons learned. SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing,


Additive Manufacturing (AM) of Supercritical CO2 Heat Exchangers using Laser Directed Energy Deposition (L-DED)
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) for Nanoscale SiC AM Feedstock Improvement
Combining the best of both Wire DED and LPBF
Evaluation of Process Performance and Mechanical Properties in Convergent Electroslag Additive Manufacturing (ESAM)
Fabrication and Qualification of Advanced Laser Powderfeed Directed Energy Deposition Structural Materials at Boeing
From Material Research to Industrial Application: Advanced Fabrication of FGM/Bimetallic Using DED Method with C103 and Ti-6Al-4V for Rocket Nozzle Extension
Fundamental Study of High-Throughput Refining Electroslag Additive Manufacturing (RESAM)
Haynes 282 Wire Directed Energy Deposition Hot and Cold Wire Microstructure Analysis
High Entropy Metamaterials: Influence of lattice architecture mixing for improved mechanical properties
Inconel 718 single crystal manufactured by L-DED process integrated with the induction heater and cooling system
Influencing melt pool dynamics in laser manufacturing with ultrasound
Integrated Deposition and Thermal Processing: a Pathway for Controlled As-Printed Performance
Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Alternating Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys via Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Material and process control development for enhancing wire-DED printing capability
Mechanical Behavior of AlSi10Mg Plate-Lattice Structures in Uniaxial Compression
Melt pool monitoring in functionally gradient materials using directed energy deposition
Melt Pool Thermal Imaging on Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing Using the Two-Color Method with a Commercial Color Camera
Multi-Material Fabrication and Part Repair with Powder Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
Notch Strengthening of Powder-DED Processed 316L Stainless Steel with Inconel 718
Overcoming the resolution-deposition limit of additive manufacturing with droplet-on-demand molten metal jetting
Testing of multi-material interfaces produced by laser powder bed fusion using a powder binning approach
Thermomechanical Processing Of Additive Manufactured Nickel Superalloys For Cracking Prevention and Improved Performance.
Wave springs: Design, Optimization, Simulation, Additive Manufacturing, and application

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