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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Functional Nanomaterials: Functional Low-dimensional Materials (0D, 1D, 2D) Driving Innovations in Electronics, Energy, Sensors, and Environmental Engineering and Science 2021
Presentation Title Rapid Water Harvesting and Non-thermal Drying in Humid Air by N-doped Graphene Micro-Pads
Author(s) Yiyang Wan, Yong Gao, Zhenhai Xia
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Zhenhai Xia
Abstract Scope Water shortage is a severe issue all over the world, especially in some arid areas and undeveloped areas. Although water exists in the air as water vapor form, it cannot be directly used for either drinking or agriculture. We demonstrated a novel nano-textured graphene micro-pad that can rapidly harvest water from air to generate microscale water droplets with desired size in designated positions on demand by simply applying a negative electric bias of -1.5 ~ -15V. More interestingly, the water droplets can be reversibly dried non-thermally with the pad at ambient temperature in humid air (~ 85%RH) by applying positive electric bias of +1.5 ~ +15V. Molecular modeling is developed to understand the harvesting and drying mechanisms at the atomic scale. The water harvesting/drying approach may be useful for many technological applications such as micro-/nanolithography, 3D printing, MEMS, biochemical and microfluid devices.
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Rapid Water Harvesting and Non-thermal Drying in Humid Air by N-doped Graphene Micro-Pads
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