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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Incorporating Breakthrough Functionalities for Building Large Scale Components
Presentation Title Notch Strengthening of Powder-DED Processed 316L Stainless Steel with Inconel 718
Author(s) Kenneth Britton DeGarmo, Dwight Smith, Calvin Stewart
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kenneth Britton DeGarmo
Abstract Scope The objective of this study is to empirically demonstrate the concept of notch strengthening through directed energy deposition (DED) multi-material additive manufacturing (MMAM). Emerging capabilities of MMAM allow for spatial tailoring of materials within a single part, overcoming drawbacks of traditional subtractive manufacturing. Spatial Materials Design (SMD) then becomes feasible, wherein materials are deposited in specific topological regions within a part to strengthen against various phenomena while reducing cost and weight. In this study, DED and wire EDM are employed to produce notch-strengthened specimens where SS316L is sharply transitioned into IN718 in the notch. Tensile results show that notch strengthening was achieved, with the notch-strengthened samples demonstrating superior ultimate tensile strength to those of pure SS316L. Differences in elasticity, yielding, and cross-section between the materials result in unique ductility for the notch-strengthened samples, demonstrating the potential for ductility enhancement.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Mechanical Properties, Other


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