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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Solid State Processing of Metals and Composites
Presentation Title Evaluation of Factors of Cold Plastic Deformation Influence on the Increase of Mechanical Properties of the Shaving Steel for a Milling Cutting Tool
Author(s) Valeriy Mishchenko, Anton Matiukhin, Anna Ben, Vitalii Shyrokobokov, Sergey Sheyko, Elena Kulabneva
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Anton Matiukhin
Abstract Scope The effect of cold volumetric stamping on the mechanical properties of P6M5 (HSS) high speed steel was investigated in the study of the technology of the tap production in the radial stamping machine. The use of plastic deformation in the technology of manufacturing taps leads to an increase in the mechanical and technological properties of High Speed Steel. Keywords: plastic deformation, cold volumetric stamping, radial stamping machine, tap, high-speed steel.


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