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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Nanostructured Materials in Extreme Environments II
Presentation Title Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanism of Nanostructured Steels
Author(s) Eason Yi-Sheng Chen, Ranming Niu, Pang-Yu Liu, Hanyu Liu, Chao Huang, Hung-Wei Yen, Julie Cairney
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Eason Yi-Sheng Chen
Abstract Scope The presence of hydrogen in steel causes catastrophic embrittlement. However, the difficulties of observing the hydrogen and associating its influence with specific microstructure limit the advance of our understanding of this topic, especially for the origin of hydrogen embrittlement within pipeline steels. Therefore, we developed a method combining cryogenic atom probe tomography and micromechanics to study hydrogen distribution correlatively and the embrittlement initiation in pearlite, respectively. We ex-situ charged the samples with hydrogen and observed its distribution and the deformation around cementite/ferrite interfaces. These efforts confirmed the absence of hydrogen at the interfaces and their failure due to hydrogen, suggesting the hydrogen-enhanced local plasticity in ferrite was the affecting mechanism instead of the interfacial hydrogen-enhanced decohesion. We also observed hydrogen trapping at the interior of cementite, not the interfaces. These results advance our understanding of hydrogen behavior in pearlitic pipeline steels for hydrogen transmission applications.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Iron and Steel, Characterization, Environmental Effects


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