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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Coatings for Wear and Corrosion Protection
Presentation Title J-2: Obtaining Protective Coatings TiAl, TiSi under Conditions of Synthesis of Complex Functionally Active Charges
Author(s) Borys Sereda, Irina Kruhliak, Dmytro Sereda
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Borys Sereda
Abstract Scope The paper considers the production of protective coatings TiAl, TiSi under conditions of synthesis of complex functionally active charges. Due to non-stationary temperature conditions, coatings are formed in 60 minutes. When alloyed with silicon and aluminum, their distribution has gradually decreasing concentration peaks in the coating structure to a depth of ~200–220 µm. They are also characteristic of carbon, which makes it possible to speak about the formation of titanium carbide. When alloying titanium coatings with aluminum, the following phases are formed: Fe2Al5, Fe3Al, TiAl5, Fe2Ti, TiAl. When titanium coatings are doped with silicon, the following phases are formed: (Ti,Fe)5Si3, Ti5Si3, Fe2Ti, TiSi5, TiSi, (Fe,Cr)3Si. Microhardness is characterized by the equation y = 2E-07x5 - 0.0001x4 + 0.0248x3 - 2.5179x2 + 54.324x + 9016.3 for steel W1-7. It has been established that obtained titanium coatings are characterized best heat resistance indices in 1.9-2.5 compared to analogues obtained under isothermal conditions.


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J-2: Obtaining Protective Coatings TiAl, TiSi under Conditions of Synthesis of Complex Functionally Active Charges
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Tribological and Anti-scaling Performance of Graphene-enriched Thin Polymer Coatings
ZnO-doped C3N4 Nanocapsules-modified NiP Metallic Coating

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