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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2D Materials: Preparation, Properties, Modeling & Applications
Presentation Title Membranes for Breathable Barrier/Protective Coatings for Toxic Gases/Vapors and Chemical Warfare Agents
Author(s) Kamalesh K. Sirkar
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kamalesh K. Sirkar
Abstract Scope Prevention of exposure to toxic gases and vapors during industrial accidents and to chemical warfare agents in war zones is a challenging problem. The person wearing a protective coating should be able to breathe, must get rid off sweat through the barrier and yet protect oneself from the toxic gases and vapors. It is a challenging problem. Moisture must be transported efficiently, yet toxic gases/vapors should be blocked. This talk will provide a brief introduction to the approaches followed over the years including use of a large amount of activated carbons in the protective coatings. More importantly, it will bring in three modern frontiers in material innovations—metal organic frameworks (MOFs), graphene/graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes. Membranes and membrane structures involving such materials are of great interest. We will provide an overview of recent research in these areas and our contributions to this field.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Thin Films and Interfaces, Composites, Characterization


2-dimensional and Layered Nanomaterial Inks for Additive Electronic Manufacturing
2D-binary, Ternary and Quaternary Crystals for Space Applications
2D Amorphous Carbon Dielectric for Nanoelectronics
2D Materials in Advance Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications
A New Experimentally Guided Computational Database for 2D Metal-organic Frameworks
A Rapid, Fully Automated Electrochemical Modular Platform using 2D Materials as a Porous Electrode for Sensing Biological and Chemical Moieties of Interest
An Overview of Graphene-based Nanomaterials in Electronic Skin Biosensing
Application of Phase Change Materials in the Thermal Management of a LiFePO4 Battery Pack in a Cold Temperatures Environment
Bulk Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaic Devices Produced Using Liquid Crystalline Semiconducting Polymer Gel Materials
Carrier Mobility in 2D Semiconductors: Insights and Predictions from First Principles
Controlled Synthesis of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Electronic Biosensors
Defect Modulation in Laser Induced Graphene Oxide for Advanced Electrochemical Sensing
Dual-frequency Ultrasound-assisted Exfoliation of Graphene: Mechanisms and Implementation
Electromechanical Coupling of 2D Materials for Energy and Sensing Applications
Graphene and Metal Oxides Based Functional Materials for High Performance Perovskite Solar Cells and Multicomponent-Detecting Sensors
Group IV-V Based Lamellar Thin Films: A Path Toward Novel 2D Materials
Heterostraining and Moiré Reconstruction in Bilayer Graphene
Introduction of Two-dimensional Nanomaterials for Thin, Elastomeric, Durable Barriers for Chemical Protection (2D@CB)
Investigation of Defects Produced by H and O Ion Irradiations in MoS2
Laser Photothermal Production of 3D Graphene with Polymers for Multifunctionality
Laser Processing of Novel 2D and 3D Diamond Related Materials
Mapping the Local and Global Vibrational Properties of Hetero-strained Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Membranes for Breathable Barrier/Protective Coatings for Toxic Gases/Vapors and Chemical Warfare Agents
Modeling of Optoelectronic Properties of Charged Defects, Dopants, and Complexes in 2D Materials
Modelling and Validation of Multiple Bubbles Dynamics and Their Effect on Liquid Phase Exfoliation of 2D Materials
Monolayer-like Lattice Dynamics in Bulk WSe2
Multiscale 3D Printing of Nanomaterials-based Electronics
Nitrogen-doped Graphene Catalysts for Advanced Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems
Novel Approach to Produce Thick CNT Baseduckypaper for Shielding Applications
Parameter Space of Ferroelectrics and Metals Interfacing with Two-dimensional Materials for Neuromorphic Device Applications
Phase-aligned Growth of Nickel Phosphosulfide Nanostructured Arrays: A Promising Electrocatalyst for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Phase Field Modeling of Localized Thermal Oxidation of Monolayer WS2
Preparation and Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness (EMI SE) of Cobalt Nanowires/Carbon Nanotubes Composites
Process-structure-property Relationships in Crystalline Polymer Processing
Processing Approaches for the Efficient Liquid Exfoliation of Graphene Transport Enhancement between Subsequent Flakes
Q-Carbon Nanoballs and Diamond Nanodots
Spectroscopic Studies on Sulfides and Selenides of Mo and W for Photoabsorbers
Stimuli Responsive Multi-functional 2D and 3D Nanoporous Materials in Condensed Phases
Super-capacitor Based on Hybrid Architecture with 2D Materials
Synthesis and Implications of Antibacterial Graphene Coating on Nickel Substrates using Pulsed Laser Deposition
Synthesis of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides on Oxide Surfaces
Theory of the Mechanical Exfoliation of 2D Materials
Transferrable Computational Framework based on Density Functional Theory for Study and Design of 2D Materials: From Battery to Sensing Applications
Tunable Adsorption and Catalysis on Two Dimensional Ferroelectric Materials and Heterostructures
Ultra-long Carbon Nano Tube Changing the World of Materials
Utilizations of Graphene-based Nanomaterials for the Detection and Treatment of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Well-defined 3D Printing of Titanium Carbide (Ti3C2Tx) MXene Nanosheets into Complex and Hierarchical Microarchitectures with High Aspect Ratio
“Temperature”, a Key Parameter for Graphene Exfoliation In Water

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