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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Dilute Alloying and Impurity Effects on Phase Transformations
Presentation Title Impact of Impurity Elements Introduced During Joining on the Properties of Superelastic Nitinol
Author(s) Zhaoxi Cao, Samuel Price, Ian Mccue
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ian Mccue
Abstract Scope Joining of shape memory alloys (SMAs) has gained increased attention in recent years, due to their use in aerospace, transportation, and biomedical industries. However, traditional joining methods are challenging to apply to these materials because they lead to local weakening, formation of brittle intermetallics, and decreases in functional performance. Transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding is examined here as a viable solution because it can form dense joints without substantially altering the substrate’s composition. While TLP is commercially used to join critical components in aerospace, such as turbine blades, it remains unanswered whether this technique is applicable to SMAs. Solidification during TLP relies on the diffusion of a solute element into the substrate material. The solute element is typically only a few atomic percent – within design specs for most structural alloys but will substantially alter SMA properties. This talk will present several TLP compositions and their effect on SMA properties.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Phase Transformations, Joining, Mechanical Properties


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Impact of Impurity Elements Introduced During Joining on the Properties of Superelastic Nitinol
In-situ Formation of Lamellar α+β Ti Alloys with Dilute Fast Diffusive Elements
Phase transformation in Al-Cu-Sc alloy and its impact on corrosion performance
Role of impurities and dilute alloying elements on long-range order in Ni-Cr-based alloys
The role of minor alloying in the plasticity of bulk metallic glasses

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