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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Microstructural, Mechanical, and Chemical Behavior of Solid Nuclear Fuel and Fuel-Cladding Interface II
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Keywords Nuclear Materials, Characterization, Other


3D X-Ray Micro-Tomography Imaging-Based Study of PYCASSO TRISO Fuel Particles
A Phase-Field Model for Studying Palladium Attack of SiC In TRISO
An Irreducible Derivatives Approach to Improve Empirical Interatomic Potentials for Thermophysical Property Predictions: the Case of ThO2 and UO2
Arc-Melt Synthesis of Uranium Borides: A New Approach to Volatilization
Assessing Thermochemical Stability and Fission Product Mobility in Advanced Nuclear Fuels
Atomistic-Scale Simulations to Predict Creep Rates in Doped UO2
Bayesian Calibration of Ab-Initio Based Self- and Fission Gas Diffusivity in UN Nuclear Fuel
Characterization and Modeling of Joint Oxyde-Gaine and Inner Cladding Corrosion in Fast Reactor Fuels
Chemical Compatibility of UC/UO2 Composites for Accident Tolerant Fuel
Cluster Dynamics Modeling of Interstitial Loop Evolution and Unfaulting Process in Proton-Irradiated Single Crystal ThO2
Comprehensive Fracture Property Analysis of High Burnup UO2 Fuels Using Multiscale Phase-Field Fracture Modeling
Computational Studies of Radiation Induced Segregation in Metallic Alloys
Correlation of Thermal Properties with Local Microstructure of Irradiated Sodium-Bonded U-Zr Metallic Fuel
Density Functional Theory Study of Helium Diffusion in Ni-M Alloys (M= Cr, Mo)
Development of a Macroscopic Model of Irradiation-Enhanced Densification
Development of Coated Particle Fuels with New Architectures for an Expanded Service Envelope
Development of Elemental Technologies for Application of SiC Fuel Cladding to BWR
Direct Modeling of Irradiation Driven Microstructure Evolution and Swelling in Uranium Nitride
Effect of FIB Damage on the Defect Evolution in Ceramic Fuels Under In-Situ TEM Annealing
Effects of Charge State on Chromium Substitution and Oxygen Vacancy Segregation Energies at Grain Boundaries in Uranium Dioxide
Examining Constituent Redistribution in U-19Pu-10Zr Fuel as it Evolves with Local Burnup
Experimental and Theoretical Study of He-Irradiated Zr/Nb Nanoscale Multilayers
F-13: A Comparative Study of the Third Element Effect in FeCrAl Oxidation and Corrosion
F-14: Advanced Electron Microscopy Characterization of the Fuel-Cladding Chemical Interaction Region in a High Burnup U-10Zr Fuel
F-16: Deep Learning Potential for Exploring High‑Temperature Properties of Yttrium Hydride
F-17: Density Functional Theory Study of Charge Distribution and Transport at Metal-ZrO2 Interface
F-18: Evolution of Sputtered Protective Bilayer Coatings Under LOCA Steam Exposure
F-20: Impact of Uranium Feedstock Impurities on the Microstructure and Oxidation Resistance of Uranium Nitride (UN)
F-21: Improving Radiation and Corrosion Resistance of Cr-Based Coatings Through Structural and Compositional Optimization
F-23: Investigating Microstructural Effects on TRISO Fuel Mechanics via Multiphysics and Multiscale Modeling
F-24: Investigating Porosity and Swelling Evolution in Uranium-10wt%Zirconium Fuels Under Varied Irradiation Conditions
F-26: Obtaining the Chemical Information of Secondary Phases and Precipitates Induced by Fission Products in FCCI Region of a High Burnup Metallic Fuel Using Nano SIMS and TEM-EELS
F-27: Phase-Field Modeling of Constituent Redistribution in U-Zr Metallic Fuel Considering Porosity Effects
F-28: Tracking Structure Evolution and Alloy Element Redistributions During Zircaloy-4 Oxidation via Complementary In-Situ XRD, Ex-Situ Electron Microscopy, and Atom Probe Tomography
F-29: Understanding the Process-Microstructure-Property Relationship of FeCrAl Alloy Deposited via L-DED
Faulted Loop Formation by Rapid 1D Migration of Interstitial Clusters in ThO2: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
First Principle Based Modeling of the Impact of Dislocation Loops on the Thermal Transport of Nuclear Fuels
Fission Gas Behavior Modeling at High Burnup in UO2
Fission Product Distribution Analysis in Zr Lined U-Mo Fuels Using Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography
Fission Product Migration and Speciation in Uranium Mononitride SIMFUEL
Impact of Short-Range Order on Thermodynamic Properties of Point Defects in UMo Fuels
Implications of Accurate Point Defects Estimation on UO2 Thermal Conductivity and Fission Gas Release for Accelerated Fuel Irradiation
In-situ Irradiation of Uranium Carbide and Zirconium Carbide
In-Situ Thermal Conductivity of Uranium Nitride (UN) and SIMFUEL Composites Under Irradiation
Investigating Microstructural and Local Thermal Conductivity Changes in Irradiated U-Zr Annular Fuel
Investigating the Effect of Grain Growth Additive Incorporation on the Microstructure and Radiation Stability of UO2 Fuels
Investigation of Fuel Cladding Chemical Interactions with UO2 and Doped UO2 Using Diffusion Couples
Investigation of the Creep and Fracture Behavior of Irradiated UO2 Fuel Through Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Irradiation-Induced Formation of High- and Low-Angle Grain Boundaries, Microcracking, and Fission Gas Release
Kernel Composition and Variability Influence on TRISO Fuel Behavior
Material Characterization and Pellet Cladding Interaction Performance of Optimized ZIRLO™ with Liner
Microstructural Impacts of Dopants in Advanced Nuclear Fuels
Microstructurally Informed Modeling of Fragment Size in the BISON Fuel Performance Code
Microstructurally Informed Modeling of High Burnup Structure in UO2 Fuel
Mitigating FCCI in Metallic Fuels: Evaluating Cladding Liners with Multiscale Modeling
Multimodal Investigation of the Neutron Induced Defect of SiC/SiC Composites
Multiphysics and Multiscale Modeling of High Burnup UO2
Multiscale Fuel Performance Modeling of U-Mo Fuel for Research Reactors
Nanostructured U-Mo Based Metallic Fuels for Fast Reactors – Electronic Structure Calculations and Machine Learning
Numerical Modelling of Delayed Hydride Cracking Using the Phase Field Modelling
Oxygen Potential and Uranium Diffusion in UO2±x: Density Functional Theory Calculations Including Spin-Orbit Coupling Effect and Dispersion Interactions
Pebble Integrity in Action: Robust Testing for Safe Refueling
Phase-Field Modeling of Fission Fragment Track Effects on Nucleation and Re-Solution of Fission Gas Bubbles in UO2
Phase Evolution of Neutron-Irradiated U-Mo Alloys at Low Temperature in the Low-Fluence Regime
Pipe Diffusion Along Edge Dislocation in UO2 and UN Nuclear Fuels
Point Defect Mobility and Phase Stability of Novel UZrCN Nuclear Fuel from First Principles
Polyepitaxial Approach to Studying Topotactic Phase Transitions in Actinides
Recent Progress on Ceramic Coating Development for Advanced Cladding
Recent Transient Fission Gas Results from High Burnup UO2 Under Severe Accident Conditions
Room Temperature Oxidation Mechanisms of Uranium Monocarbide
Synthesis of Uranium Dinitride by Ammonolysis of Uranium Tetrafluoride
The Thermal Mechanical Properties and Transient Behavior of High Burn-Up Structure Pure and Cr2O3-Doped UO2 Pellets with Xe Gas Bearing Under the LOCA and RIA Thermal Shock Tests
Thermal Properties Degradation in Proton Irradiated Cr-Doped UO2
Thermal Response and Mechanical Integrity of High Temperature Cr-Coated Zr Cladding Under Multiple Quench Tests
UN-UB2 Fuel Material: A Path to UN Use in LWRs
Understanding Burnup Effects on UO2 Mechanical Behavior Using Surrogate Materials
Understanding the Impact That the UO2 Radial Microstructural Evolution has on Temperature Transient Performance in LWR Pellets
Unraveling the Mechanisms of Oxide Texture Formation on Zirconium Alloys
Westinghouse Perspective on Accelerated Fuel Qualification

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