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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Machine Learning for Discovery of Structure-Process-Property Relations in Electronic Materials
Presentation Title Expert-guided Learning for Data-constrained Materials Science Problems
Author(s) Gopaljee Atulya, Shuyan Zhang, Alexander Davis
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Gopaljee Atulya
Abstract Scope Machine learning approaches are most successful when data is abundant to train models. In these cases, algorithms learn complicated patterns without requiring significant domain knowledge from experts. However, many materials science problems are complex (high dimensional) and data are expensive to collect, but experts have extensive knowledge that can augment purely algorithmic approaches. We discuss a framework for incorporating expert feedback in learning and optimizing algorithms for materials science problems. We combine concepts from choice modeling with machine learning models to produce novel algorithms that utilize an expert’s domain expertise as a source of data in conjunction with simulations and experiments. We explore the types of queries that extract the most information from experts when trying to learn a mapping while minimizing the cognitive burden on experts. We apply this framework to solve problems in identifying and analyzing pair distribution functions (PDF) of experimentally synthesized ceramics specifically titanium dioxide (TiO2).


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Expert-guided Learning for Data-constrained Materials Science Problems
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Introductory Comments: Machine Learning for Discovery of Structure-Process-Property Relations in Electronic Materials
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Parametric Analysis to Quantify Process Input Influence on the Printed Densities of Binder Jetted Alumina Ceramics
SimuLearn: Machine Learning-empowered Fast and Accurate Simulator to Support 4D Printing Design
Uncertainty Quantification and Active Learning of Neural Network Models for Predicting ZrO2 Crystal Energy

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