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Meeting TMS Specialty Congress 2025
Symposium The 7th International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS 2025)
Presentation Title Microstructural Influences on Crystal Plasticity Model Predictions Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy and TriBeam Tomography
Author(s) Justine Schulte, Dalton Shadle, James Lamb, McLean Echlin, Kelly Nygren, Matthew Miller, Tresa Pollock, Irene Beyerlein
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Justine Schulte
Abstract Scope High energy x-ray diffraction microscopy (HEDM) is a valuable technique to study deformation in polycrystals as it provides 3D microstructure reconstructions and time-resolved micromechanical data. In the literature, this technique has been paired with full field models by providing initial microstructures and fine-scale validation. However, it is known that HEDM cannot consistently resolve small grains and twins, which arises as a consideration when interpreting results and a possible source of discrepancy in validation efforts when paired with microstructure-sensitive models in FCC materials. To quantify how missing features affect predicted values, a SEM-based TriBeam tomography dataset was collected on an IN718 sample that was monitored during a loading experiment using near-field and far-field HEDM. These overlapping reconstructions will be used to quantify differences in the captured grains. Additionally, crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) simulations will be run with both reconstructions to observe any deviations in predicted values due to microstructural differences.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


3D-EBSD Characterization of the Microstructure Around a Crack Initiation on an Inconel 718DA Fatigue Sample
3D Characterization of Hydrogen-Induced Damage in X70 Steel Using Synchrotron X-Ray Tomography
3D Imaging of Battery Materials to Guide Manufacturing and Recycling
3D In-Situ Characterization of Twinning Inside Individual Mg­4Al Grains Using Dark­Field X-­Ray Microscopy
3D Intragranular Orientation Mapping in Cold-Rolled Ferrite at Industrially Relevant Deformation Levels
3D Investigation into the Effects of Microstructure on Humid-Air Environmentally Assisted Cracking in 7xxx Aluminium Alloys
3D Large Volume Non-Destructive Grain Structure Characterization in Metallic Alloys Using Lab-Based Diffraction Contrast Tomography (LabDCT)
3D Mapping of Crack Tip Dislocation Structures in SrTiO3 by Dark-Field X-Ray Microscopy
3D Mapping of Intragranular Strain and Microstructure in Recrystallized Iron Using Dark-Field X-Ray Microscopy
3D Observation of Hydrogen Distribution in Steels
3D Reconstruction of a High‑Energy Diffraction Microscopy Sample Using Multi‑Modal Serial Sectioning with High‑Precision EBSD and Surface Profilometry
3D X-Ray Observations Provide Striking Findings in Rubber Elasticity
4D Multimodal Testing and Numerical Simulations Applied to the Study of Incipient Crystal Plasticity
A Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Study on the Strengthening Mechanisms in Additively Manufactured Precipitate Strengthened Alloys
A High-Efficiency Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Simulation Method
A High-Fidelity Fatigue-Life Modeling Framework Using Fast Fourier Transforms
A Novel Method for Microstructure Prediction of Austenitic Stainless Steel Based on Machine Learning
A Polycrystal Generator for Large-Scale Atomistic Calculations
A Polycrystalline X-Ray Virtual Diffractometer for Direct Comparisons to Experimental Data
A Versatile Tool for 3DMS, ICME and AI for MS Applications: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-Based Modelling of Microstructure/Property Relationships of Polycrystalline Materials
Accelerating 3D Data Collection in TriBeam Microscopes
Advances in Scanning 3DXRD: Resolving Intra-Grain Deformation in 3D
Advancing 3D Grain Mapping Accessibility for the Materials Science Community: Insights into Recent Developments of Data Acquisition, Reconstruction and Analysis
Analysis of 3D Grain Orientations in Additively Manufactured 316L
Analysis of Extremely Large 3D Polycrystalline Aggregates
Analysis of Growth Striations in Doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG) Using Dark Field X-Ray Microscopy
Application of a Multilayer Laue Lens for Full-Field Tomography and DFXM
Atomistic Simulations to Reveal HIP-Bonding Mechanisms of Al6061/Al6061
Automated 3D Microstructural Characterization of a Dual-Phase Steel Using the RASSI Platform
Automated Mechanical Serial Sectioning: A Robust Data-Driven Approach as Applied to a RoboMet.3D
Capturing Grain Boundary Migration in Polycrystals
Capturing the Emergence of Hierarchical Microstructures in Metallic Materials
Characterization of Hierarchical Microstructures of TiC Reinforced Nickel Matrix Composites using Deep-Learning assisted 3D X-ray Microscopy
Characterizing Nanoscale Ordering Using Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
Classification of Abnormal Grain Growth Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
Colour X-Ray Imaging: 5D Non-Destructive Elemental Mapping Of Materials
Comparative Analysis of Reconstruction Methods for Lab-Scale X-Ray Computed Tomography of 3D Defects in Semiconductor Packages
Conforming Mesh Generation from 3D Experimental Images
Deep Learning Enabled Rapid 3D X-ray Tomography for In Situ Mechanical Characterization
Design Considerations for Printed Functional Prototypes
Diffraction Microstructure Imaging at the Materials Science Beamline, ID11, at the ESRF
Dislocation Contrast Simulations in Dark-Field X-Ray Microscopy to Identify Individual Dislocations
Dislocation Microstructure Considerations in Modeling Recrystallization
Dislocation Migration in the Shocked Silicates Olivine and Pyroxene
Drug Delivery from Nose to Brain with Three-Dimensionally (3D) Produced Microneedle:A New Approach to Migraine Treatment
Dynamics of Individual Dislocations During Plastic Deformation
Elucidating the 3D Morphology of Cicada Tymbals: A Multiscale X-Ray Microscopy Study
Enhancement of Multi-Modal Mechanical Polishing Serial Sectioning Technology
Enhancing Neutron Single Crystal Visualization With NeuXtalViz
Enhancing Polycrystalline-Microstructure Reconstruction From Diffraction Microscopy With Phase-Field Post-Processing
Experimental and Modelling Study of Mechanical Failure in 400 nm Porous Glass Using In Situ Nanoscale 3D X-Ray Microscopy
Extracting Grain Boundary Mobilities From 3D Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks
FIB-SEM Serial Sectioning Tomography: Towards 24-Hour Time-to-Results
Fouriera: Automated Spectral Methods for Multiphysics Problems via Symbolic Computing
Getting More out of APT Mass Spectrum Analysis
Grain-Resolved Reorientation and Orientation Gradient Development in Cyclic Loading of α-Ti Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy
Grain Boundary Migration in Mesoscale Polycrystals
Grain Structure Evolution During Heat Treatment of a Semisolid Al-Cu Alloy Studied With Lab-Based Diffraction Contrast Tomography
Graph Neural Networks for Generalizable Machine Learning of 3D Microstructure--Property Relationships in Polycrystals
High-Energy X-Ray Imaging and Diffraction With Intense Undulator Radiation
High-Fidelity 3D Microstructural Characterization of ZrB2 During Hot-Pressing
High Accurate Modelling and Large-Scale Simulation of Melt Pool Dynamics in Metal Additive Manufacturing Using Phase-Field Lattice Boltzmann Method
High Speed High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy During Ti64 Dwell Fatigue
Identifying SOFC Triple Phase Boundaries From 3D FIBSEM
In-Situ Characterization of Martensitic Phase Transformation Interfaces in CuAlNi During Mechanical Cycling Using Dark-Field X-Ray Microscopy
In-Situ Characterization of Martensitic Phase Transformations During Mechanical Cycling Using In-Situ Topotomography and Dark-Field X-Ray Microscopy
In-Situ Characterization of Supercritical Martensitic Phase Transformations in NiFeGaCo Single Crystals Using High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy
In-Situ Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a Novel Aluminum Alloy
In Situ Measurement of Three-Dimensional Intergranular Stress Localizations and Grain Yielding Under Elastoplastic Axial-torsional Loading
In Situ Synchrotron-Tomographic and -Diffraction Investigation of the Effect of Tensile Load on Mg2Y1Zn(Gd, Ag, Ca)
Incorporating Experimental Data Into Molecular Dynamics: A Method for Voxel-Atomic Structure Conversion
Industry-Ready Residual Stress Measurements at CHESS's Structural Materials Beamline
Influence of 3D Crack Networks for High Toughness Responses in Tantalum Carbides
Informed Unsupervised Machine Learning Analysis of Dislocation Microstructure From High-Resolution Differential Aperture X-Ray Structural Microscopy Data
Innovations in 3D EBSD for Advanced Materials Characterization
Interrogating 3D Grain Morphology and Crystallographic Texture via Automated Polarized Light Microscopy
Intragranular Evolution of Slip System Strength and Activity in Titanium Using Point-Focused High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy
Intragranular Slip Localization Modeling Applied to Fatigue Crack Nucleation
Investigating Effects of Particles and Voids in Plastic Deformation of Al2219 Using Crystal Plasticity and High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Techniques
Investigating Martensitic Phase Transformations in CuAlNi and NiTi Shape Memory Alloys With In-Situ X-Ray Topotomography
Investigating the Influence of Strain Rate on Hydrogen Embrittlement in Steel Sub-Size Tensile Specimens Using X-Ray 3D Tomography
Investigation of Phase-Field 4D Reconstruction for X-Ray In Situ Observation of Dendrite Solidification
Lab-HEDM: A Laboratory-Scale Breakthrough Technique for 3D Characterization of Polycrystalline Materials
Lab-Scale Diffraction Contrast Tomography (DCT): State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Opportunities
Laboratory-Based 3D X-Ray Scattering Tensor Tomography
Laboratory 3D X-Ray Micro-Beam Diffraction
Large-Scale 3D Multi-Phase-Field Sintering Simulation of Texture Development by Templated Grain Growth
Load Partitioning in Inconel 718 With Harmonic Microstructures
Measuring Intragranular Orientation-Strain Fields and Residual Stresses in As-Built Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel Using Scanning 3DXRD
Micromechanical Behavior of Fe-36Ni Invar Alloy at Cryogenic Conditions Characterized Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy
Microstructural Characterization of Ni Foam Using EBSD and Micro-CT
Microstructural Influences on Crystal Plasticity Model Predictions Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy and TriBeam Tomography
Modeling the Hardening and Damage Evolution of Additively Manufactured Metal Matrix Composites Using an Elasto-Viscoplastic FFT-Based Framework
Multimodal Assessment of Mechanically Induced Transformation and Damage in TRIP Steels Using X-Ray Nanotomography and Pencil-Beam Diffraction Tomography
Multimodal Characterisation of Calcite Crystals Precipitated From Bio-Cementation
Multimodal Microstructural Image Segmentation of Low-Temperature Sn3Ag0.5Cu7Bi Solder Using Multi-Channel Deep Learning
Multiscale Microstructure and Strain Characterisation in Aluminium Using Dark-Field X-Ray Microscopy
Multiscale Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Microstructural Elements in the IN718 Nickel-Base Superalloy After Various Annealing Durations at 760°C
Neutron Bragg Edge Imaging for Crystallographic Phase and Temperature Field Mapping
New Capabilities From the APS-Upgrade at the New 3D Micro/Nano Diffraction Station
Numerical Simulations of the Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process
Observation of Damage and Fracture in Al-5Mg-2Si Cast Alloy by Means of Synchrotron Radiation Multi-Scale Tomography
Observation of Thermal Fatigue-Induced Grain Rotation in Pb-Free Solder Joints by XSOL
On the Inverse Problem of Recovering Admissible Intragranular Strain Fields From High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction Data
On the Thermal Aging of the Nanoporous Structure of Sintered Ag on a Cu Substrate
Optimizing CT Image Quality With Deep Learning for Enhanced 3D Materials Science Applications
Polycrystalline Effects on Early Strain Heterogeneity Leading to Fracture for an Aluminium Alloy Under Plane Strain Tension: 3D Correlative X-Ray Tomography and Crystal Plasticity Simulations
Pushing Boundaries in 3D Microstructure Mapping: The New DFXM Beamline at ESRF ID03
Quantifying Ductile Fracture Mechanisms in AA2198-T851 Through Void Tracking of In-Situ Laminography Experiments
Quantitative Analysis of Vacancy Distribution In metals: Experiments and Simulations
Quantitative Elemental Mapping of Bimetallic Nanoparticles From Atomic Scale STEM-HAADF Images
Real-Time 3D Visualization of Eutectic Solidification Dynamics Using Limited Angle Tomography
Real Time Spot Tracking and Materials Characterization for High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy
Reconciling Conflicting Hydrogen Embrittlement Models Using Dark-Field X-Ray Microscopy
Reorganization of the Highly Extensible X-Ray Diffraction Library and Opportunities for Community Engagement
Scaling Ductility From Microscale to Bulk by Coupling Crystal Plasticity Simulations With Deep Learning
Segmenting Multi-Phase Nano-Precipitates for Yield Stress Modeling in Novel High-Strength Austenitic Steel
Simulation of Plastic Strain Localisation in Polycrystals by 3D Discrete Dislocation Dynamics
Strain Field Mapping of a New Generation of Polycrystalline Chromium Coated Zirconium Claddings for Nuclear Application by Synchrotron Based Laue Microdiffraction
Study of Grain-Scale Plastic Events in Ti-7Al Alloys With Far-Field High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy and Graph Theory
Study of Three-Dimensional Granular Matter Using Tomography and Far-Field High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy
Synchrotron X-Ray Nanotomography Uncovers Microstructure of a Three-Phase Eutectic Solidified in Microgravity
Texture Tomography for Non-Destructive Microtexture Imaging of Highly Deformed Metals
The Distribution of Carbides in the Heat Affected Zones of an Austenitic Steel
The Dynamics of Grain Growth in Thin Specimens: The Role of Free Surfaces
The Interest of Lab-Based DCT for the 3D Characterization of Monocrystalline Nickel-Based Alloys
The Limits of Predictability in 4D Microstructural Simulations
Three-Dimensional Characterization of Dislocation Networks and Orientation Gradients in LPBF CoNi-Based Superalloys
Three-Dimensional Twin Networks in Ti: Morphology, Connectivity, and Incompatibilities
Time-Resolved Measurement Capabilities at the Forming and Shaping Technology Beamline
Tracking the Dynamics of Strain-Energy-Driven Grain Growth in 3D
Tracking the Emergence and Persistence of Abnormal Grain Growth in the Commercial Aluminum Alloy AA5252 Using 3D X-Ray Microscopy
Uncertainty in High-Angular-Precision 3D-EBSD Orientation Measurements Using Spherical Harmonic Indexing and Global Pattern Center Optimization on Deformed and Undeformed Samples
Unconventional Applications of Scanning 3dxrd: Opportunities for Cementitious Materials
Unlocking 3D Nanoparticle Shapes From 2D HRTEM images: Deep Learning for Classification and Denoising at Atomic Resolution
Unsupervised Learning for Structure Detection in Plastically Deformed Crystals
Using Discrete Harmonic Expansions and Equilibrium Conditions to Estimate Intragranular Stress Distributions in Polycrystals From Grain-Averaged Data
Watching Real-Time Eutectic Solidification to Understand the Crystal Morphology Formation and Habit Plane Selection
PolyProc: A Computational Package for Processing 3D/4D PolyCrystalline Microstructure Data

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