Abstract Scope |
Detecting, testing, preventing, and controlling manufacturing and production failures is key to ensuring the reliability of commercial and consumer products. Characterization and identification of micron and submicron size particles is essential for understanding and managing certain manufacturing processes. Focusing on achieving manufacturer goals, such as producing quality products with consistent, reliable performance at a competitive price, requires careful planning and proper methodology.
Microscale-Analysis tools are selected to aid manufacturers goals.
The objective of this presentation is to demonstrate the value of SEM/EDS, FT-IR, Raman, and other non-destructive, micro-spectroscopic tools. My presentation will classify, compare, and contrast the advantages and limitations of common micro-scale analytical instruments, thereby providing the audience with a convenient Instrument-selection guide. Through specific case studies, I will establish the practical applications of Micro-Scale-Analysis-Tools for problem solving. I will conclude by discussing the need for accurate data acquisition and results interpretation to ensure meaningful results. |