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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Scandium Extraction and Use in Aluminum Alloys
Presentation Title L12-Strengthened Aluminum Alloys for Conventional and Additive Manufacturing
Author(s) Amir R. Farkoosh, David C. Dunand, David N. Seidman
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Amir R. Farkoosh
Abstract Scope Efforts at Northwestern University in developing aluminum alloys for high-temperature applications have been ongoing since 1998. During these three decades of progress, we have steadily enhanced the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys and increased their operating temperatures, which was achieved by adding slow-diffusing elements such as Sc and Zr, or other transition metals and rare-earth elements in combination. Recently, we have extended these strategies to design aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing (AM), such as our heat-resistant NUAdd alloy series and Al-Ce eutectic alloys, utilizing similar alloy design principles. We will summarize our recent and past research on aluminum alloys strengthened with L12-ordered coherent Al3(Sc,Zr)-nanoprecipitates often with a core-shell structure. We will also cover the broader scope of alloy design, where multiple strengthening mechanisms are combined to achieve ultrastrong alloys with exceptional creep resistance. We outline the principles guiding the development of these advanced alloys, highlighting their unique characteristics and advantages.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Other,


Effect of Sc/Zr and Thermomechanical Processing on the Microstructure and Properties of AA5083 Rolled Products
Examination of Intermetallic Phases in Al-Fe-Ni Alloys with Scandium
L12-Strengthened Aluminum Alloys for Conventional and Additive Manufacturing
Optimizing Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloys for Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Precipitation Behaviour in Al-Cu-Li Alloys Containing Sc And Zr
Scandium in the Additive Manufacturing of In-Situ TiB2 and TiC Particle Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composites for Improved Mechanical Properties
Study of Precipitates Formed During Solidification and Post-Solidification Stage in Low-Sc Al-Mg-Sc Alloys
The Effect of Sc and Zr Dispersoids on the Final Properties of a 6xxx Series Extrusion Alloy

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