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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Design and Manufacturing Approaches for the Next Generation of Sustainable Materials: The 2021 Student-led Symposium
Presentation Title Microstructural Development and Powder Feedstock Recyclability in Additive Manufacturing by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Author(s) Yongho Sohn, Sharon Park, Holden Hyer, Nathalia Diaz Vallejo, Thinh Huynh, Asif Mahmud, Kevin Graydon, Cameron Lucas, Nicolas Ayers, Abhishek Mehta, Le Zhou
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yongho Sohn
Abstract Scope Additive manufacturing of metallic alloys is a disruptive technology that can produce net-shape components with nearly unlimited geometrical complexity and on-demand customization. This technology also brings an unprecedented opportunity to design new and modified alloys based on robust understanding of materials science. Important challenges lie ahead to desensitize dependent process variables, take advantage of thermo-kinetic process environments, and recycle feedstock for sustainable manufacturing ecosystem. In this presentation, experimental research efforts using gas atomization and laser powder bed fusion for metallic alloy development will be introduced. Progress towards fundamental understanding of microstructural development in Al-, Mg-, Ti-, Ni-, and Fe-base alloys will be documented for both commercially available and new/modified compositions. Effects of using recycled powders will be highlighted with due consideration for characteristic alloy compositions. Manufacturing ecosystem based on additive technologies is deliberated for sustainable future, wherein knowledge of thermodynamics and kinetics will play an important role.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


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Introductory Comments: Design and Manufacturing Approaches for the Next Generation of Sustainable Materials: The 2021 Student-led Symposium
Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Research at the ReCell Center
Materials Innovations Towards Decarbonization of Industrial Processes
Microstructural Development and Powder Feedstock Recyclability in Additive Manufacturing by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
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Research Requirements for Sustainable Materials
Research with a Sustainable Materials Science and Engineering Approach
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Stepwise Approach to Improving Lead Furnace Operation Through Pilot Scale Studies and Computational Modeling
Using Rapid Alloy Prototyping to Investigate the Effects of Increased Levels of Residual Elements from Recycled Scrap on DP800 Steel

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