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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Microstructural Evolution and Material Properties Due to Manufacturing Processes: A Symposium in Honor of Anthony Rollett
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Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Iron and Steel, Characterization


Advanced Coupling of an FFT-Based Mesoscale Modeling Method to a Macroscale Finite Element Method
Advances in FFT-Based Modelling of Microstructure/Property Relationships of Polycrystalline Materials
Adventures Exploring Five-Dimensional Space with Tony Rollett
An Overview of Synchrotron X-ray Microscopies: From Macro to Nano
Building Microstructural Digital Twins and Their Applications to Materials Properties
Connecting Structure and Processing Through Simulation: Statistics, Machine Learning, and Future Directions in Inverse Materials Design
Development of Coherent X-Ray Imaging for Nanometer Scale Strain Dynamics at Grain Boundaries
Enabling 3D Multiscale Materials Characterization Using Machine Learning
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Melt Pools in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Explicit Cracking in Microstructure-based Simulations of Failure Mechanisms
Field Fluctuations Elasto-Plastic Self-Consistent Crystal Plasticity: Applications to Predicting Texture Evolution During Rolling, Recrystallization, and Drawing Processes
Finite-Element Predictions of Forming of Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Aluminum Alloy Sheets Based on a Recent Crystal Model
First-Principle Investigation and Modeling of Airborne Acoustic Emission Mechanisms In Selective Laser-Metal Fusion Printing Processes
From Synthetic Microstructures to SERVES for Manufacturing and Engineering Design
Grain-Resolved Reorientation and Orientation Gradient Development in Cyclic Loading of Ti-7Al Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy
Impact of Cold-Wire Gas Metal Arc Welding (CW-GMAW) Parameters on Microstructure and Microhardness Characteristics in Repairing S275JR Structural Steel
Integration of Phase-Field Model and Fast Fourier Transform-Based Crystal Plasticity With Geometrically Necessary Dislocations to Simulate Microstructure Evolution During the Manufacturing of Gradient Grained Metals
J-46: Enhanced Thermal Stability in Additive Friction Stir Deposited ODS IN9052 Al Alloy
J-47: Investigating Microstructural Changes in Wrought 316L and As-Deposited Wire Arc Additively Manufactured 316LSi After Forging Using Double Cone Samples
J-48: Advantages and Limitations of the Coupled Random Cellular Automata Finite Element Model of Dynamic Recrystallization
J-49: Effects of Cellular Microstructure on Strength, Fatigue and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Additively Manufactured Alloys
J-51: Improving Mechanical Durability of SLA Printed Components for Load-Bearing
J-55: Understanding the TRIP Effect in Hot- and Cold-Rolled Al-Added Medium-Mn Steels: Insights Into Austenite Stability and Martensitic Transformation Kinetics
J-56: Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of As-Cast Chromium-Contained Ductile Cast Iron
J-58: Role of Relative Amount of Mn and Ni on Chemical and Mechanical Stability of Austenite in δ-Ferrite Containing Medium-Mn Steels
J-59: Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Parts Using a Work-Hardening Analysis
J-60: Revealing the Influence of Rolling Reduction and Temperature on the Deformation and Recrystallization Behavior of Ta-10W Alloy
J-63: Evolution of Grain Boundary Character Distribution in High-Mn Steel
Modeling Microstructure Fatigue Indicator Parameters Using Symbolic Regression with Graph Neural Networks
Morphological Stability of Recrystallization Fronts: Theory and Simulations
Nano-Scale Analysis of Mechanically and Thermally Induced White Layers in Hard Turned AISI 52100 Bearing Steel
Phase Transformation and Plasticity Enhanced by Electric Current or Charge
Practical Benefits from Spherical Indexing of EBSD Patterns for Microstructure Characterization
Predicting Spatial Variability of Mechanical Properties in Additively Manufactured Metals Using a Process-Structure-Property Modeling Framework
Predictions of the Mechanical Behavior Scaling of Beam and Sheet Structures
Quantifying Abnormal Grain Growth with Correlation Analyses and Information Theory
Recovery and Recrystallization of Deformed Metal Nanoparticles
The Analysis of Grain Boundary Networks by 3D Serial Sectioning
The Annealing Twin Paradox : Well-Known Defects but Still not Fully Understood
Toward Microstructure-Aware Processing at Scale
Understanding Twin Nucleation in Mg Alloys Through In Situ Synchroton Experiments and Machine Learning Models

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