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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Micro- and Nano-Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Presentation Title Quantitative Evaluation of Large Nanoindentation Data Sets
Author(s) Bernard Becker, Benjamin Stadnick, Eric Hintsala, Ude Hangen, Douglas D. Stauffer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Douglas D. Stauffer
Abstract Scope Nanoindentation methods have progressed to the point where extremely large data sets, up to 106, are now practical. This then requires automated and statistical analysis, including clustering and the use of machine learning. This talk focuses on how to extract materials information from large arrays of nanoindentation data. Determining the necessary number of data points, how many clusters should be used, what cluster models, and the related questions related to data bootstrapping are discussed. A framework is presented that can be used to describe nanoindentation data with a vector, modeling that data, then simulating data of the model, and re-clustering of the simulated data to provide information related to the original clustering. The resulting properties are found to have a low bias (<1%) and relative uncertainty (<1%), indicating sufficiency in comparison to that of the original datasets.


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Gradatim Ferociter: Exploring the Grain Size Stability of Heterogeneous Copper in Thermal, Mechanical and Radiation Environments
In Situ Nanomechanical Testing of Piezoresistive Materials
In Situ Nanomechanics of Ni-based Superalloys and Bond Coating: Effect of Temperature
Introductory Comments: Micro- and Nano-Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Mechanical Behavior of Resilin-mimicking Materials
Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Core-shell Ceramic Nanoparticles
Microparticle Impacts at Supersonic Speeds, and the Role of Surface Layers
Persistent, Inelastic Cycling Behavior in Rare Earth Orthophosphate Ceramics
Processing, Characterization, and Modeling of Nano-twinned Alloys: Understanding the Role that Controlling and Tuning of Microstructure has in Dislocation-twin Interactions
Quantitative Evaluation of Large Nanoindentation Data Sets
Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior of Ion-irradiated Amorphous Metals versus Multi-Principal Alloys
Spatial-temporal Investigation of Shear Bands in Bulk Metallic Glasses
Temperature-dependent Intermittent Plasticity of Nb Microcrystals
Time-resolved Atomic-scale Observations of Deformation and Fracture of Nanostructured Materials
Twinning and Detwinning in Small-sized Crystals

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