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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces
Presentation Title J-21: Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning Investigation of Segregation Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Σ5 Cu-Ag Grain Boundaries
Author(s) Shimanta Das, Chongze Hu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Shimanta Das
Abstract Scope The segregation of solutes or impurities at grain boundaries (GBs) is a crucial interfacial phenomenon that significantly influence a wide range of materials properties in structural alloys. Using Cu-Ag as a model system, we performed molecular dynamic (MD) and hybrid Monte Carlo/MD (MC/MD) simulations to examine the segregation behavior of Ag at four distinct types of Cu Σ5 GB structures. Our MD simulations reveal that the mixed-type (tilt + twist) GB has the lowest value of GB excess of Ag, which can be ascribed to the minimal GB free volume compared to the other three types. Subsequent MD tensile tests suggested that the mixed-type GB exhibits the highest ultimate tensile strength and GB toughness. The superior performance of this GB can be attributed to the lowest tendency for solute segregation. These findings demonstrate the critical roles of GB segregation in controlling the mechanical properties of structural alloys.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Computational Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Properties, Modeling and Simulation


A Machine Learning Approach for Extracting Grain Boundary Mobilities From Time-Resolved Grain Maps
A Model of Thermodynamic Stabilization of Grain Boundaries
Associating GB Characteristics With its Mobility and Sink Efficiency in Absorbing Frank Loops via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Atomic Cluster Expansion for Accurate Simulations of Interfaces
Atomistic Modeling of Diffusivity and Shearing of Al-Si Phase Boundaries
Atomistic Simulations for Grain Boundary Migration and Texture Evolution in Mg Alloys
Complex Concentrated Grain Boundaries and the Stabilization of Unexpected Interfacial Structures
Critical Point Ferroelectricity: Grain Boundary Complexion Transitions
Cyclical Restructuring of Emergent Grain Boundaries During Polycrystalline Thin Film Growth
Dependence of 9R Interfacial Phase Formation on Boundary Inclination at Medium Angle Grain Boundaries (MAGBs) in Au
Describe, Transform, Machine Learning: Feature Engineering for Grain Boundaries and Other Variable-Sized Atom Clusters
Direct Atomic-Scale Observations of Grain Boundary Phase and Segregation Transitions
Disconnection Mobility and Grain Boundary Doping
Dislocation Pattern and Motion Mechanisms of Twist Grain Boundaries in High-Entropy Alloys
Do We Need Non-Steady-State Interfacial Kinetic Models?
Energetics of Disconnection Nucleation and Glide in Symmetric Tilt Grain Boundaries
Everything is not Affine: How Non-Affine Transformations Enable a New State of Crystalline Interfacial Coherency
Examining the Interactions of Crack Tips With Disconnections in Copper Twin Boundaries
Exploring Trends of Computed Grain Boundary Properties Within the EAM Space
Grain Boundaries in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys as Host Sites for Martensite Nuclei
Grain Boundary Diffusion: Interplay of Segregation, Precipitation and Interface Structures
Grain Boundary Property Distributions Resulting From Coarsening of an Al-Cu Alloy
Grain Boundary Segregation and Solute Drag in Multicomponent Alloys
Grand Canonical Diffusion Model for Crystalline Phases and Grain Boundaries
Influence of Irradiation Damage on the Mechanical Properties and Stability of Grain Boundaries in Ultrafine-Grained Gold Thin Films
Interfaces in Oxides
Interplay Between Dislocation Type and Local Structure in Dislocation-Twin Boundary Reactions in Cu
J-16: Diffusion Behavior at the Interface of (110) Aluminum Substrates via Molecular Dynamics Simulation
J-17: Elemental Segregation and Cohesion in Ferritic Iron Grain Boundaries: A First Principles Perspective
J-18: Impact of Thermal Gradient on Interfacial Energy and its Anisotropy in Al-Cu Alloy
J-19: Interface Energy and Structure Anisotropy of Coherent Heterophase Interfaces
J-20: Interfacial Process Underlying the Environment-Dependent Friction on Calcite Single Crystals
J-21: Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning Investigation of Segregation Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Σ5 Cu-Ag Grain Boundaries
J-22: Optimizing Grain Boundary Structures With LAMMPS Using Evolutionary Algorithms
J-23: Phase-Field Modeling of Woven Carbon Fiber Oxidation
J-24: Shifting of Failure Patterns in Aluminium-Magnesium Alloy Incorporated With Faceted Grain Boundary: An Atomistic-Scale Investigation
Localized Corrosion of Ni-Cr-Fe-Cu Alloys Caused by Cu Segregation-Induced Cr Depletion of Grain Boundaries: Theoretical and Experimental Study
Machine Learning Guided Prediction of Solute Segregation at Metal/Oxide Interfaces
Mechanisms of Non-Arrhenius Grain Boundary Motion: A Study of Activation Energy Distributions and Atomic Processes
Mesoscale Mechanics of Grain Boundary Disconnections and Shear Coupling
Metastable Defect Phase Diagrams as a Roadmap for Defect and Materials Design
Modification of Defects Dynamics in Ga(Al)As Heterostructures by Photo-Doping
On the Origin of Finite-Size Effects in Atomistic Simulations of Grain Boundary Migration
Realistic Interface Thermodynamics With Grand Canonical Monte Carlo
Stabilization of Polycrystalline Alloys by Solute Segregation
Structural Transitions in Grain Boundaries and the Role of Line Defects
Structure, Energetics and Kinetic Properties of Crystal-Melt Interfaces in Salts
Tailoring the Microstate Thresholds of Grain Boundaries Using Compositional Complexity
The Driving Force for Grain Boundary Migration in Polycrystals
The Enumeration of Grain Boundary Microstates
The Influence of Lattice Distortions From Applied Stresses on Functional Properties of Shape Memory Materials
Tracking the Microstructure Evolution of Ni Polycrystals
Triple Junction Interstitial Solute Segregation in Nanocrystalline Alloys
Using Bernal Hole Analysis to Understand the Experimentally Observed Grain Boundaries of Aluminum
Vacancy Segregation to Grain Boundaries in Diamond

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