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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Neutron and X-ray Scattering in Materials Science and Engineering
Presentation Title In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Reveals the Early Stages of Solid Phase Alloying in the 7XXX Al Alloy System
Author(s) Julian Escobar, Xiao Li, Akash Mukhopadhyay, Chang Chan, Harikrishnasinh Rana, Elizabeth Mathew, Lars Rath, Peter Staron, Emad Maawad, Uceu Suhuddin, Lei Li, Ayoub Soulami, Benjamin Klusemann, Cynthia Powell, Jorge dos Santos
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Julian Escobar
Abstract Scope During solid phase processing (SPP), solid state diffusivity is accelerated due to the synergetic effect of sustained severe shear and temperature (arising from plastic deformation and friction). Currently, there is a rich variety of examples of advanced characterization of meta-stable microstructures in literature obtained via SPP using the post-mortem methodology. However, observing the kinetics of solid-state diffusion during SPP is extremely challenging as it implies the use of real scale simulated manufacturing, while performing in situ characterization. In this work, we successfully reveal the kinetics of the early stages of elemental dissolution during solid phase alloying of mixed metallic powders within the Al7xxx series. In situ friction extrusion experiments were conducted using the Flexistir system at the P07 beamline at the German Synchrotron. A high energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction beam was positioned at the tool/powder interface, successfully revealing the kinetics of solid-state supersaturation for Al-Zn, Al-Cu, Al-Mg, and Al-Zn-Cu-Mg systems.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Phase Transformations, Powder Materials, Aluminum


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Effects of Cooling Rates on Residual Stress Evolution Quantified via Neutron Diffraction in Lubricant-free, Solid-state Repaired AA7075
Elucidating the Phase Evolution of a Spinodal Au-Pt-Pd Alloy Using In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
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Feasibility of a Focusing Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) Instrument at the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
From Angstroms to Micrometers: Across-Length-Scale Structural Characterization of Hard Materials via X-Ray Scattering
HIPPO Meets ERNI & BERT – Upgrading a Neutron Diffractometer with an Energy-Resolved Neutron Imaging Detector
Impact of Electric Fields on Local Structure, Phonons, and Thermal Transport in a Relaxor Ferroelectric
In-Situ and Multimodal Capabilities of Laue Diffraction Instrument at 34-ID-E of the Advanced Photon Source
In-Situ Characterization of Phase Transformation Dynamics in Fusion-Based Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes by High-Speed X-Ray Diffraction
In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Reveals the Early Stages of Solid Phase Alloying in the 7XXX Al Alloy System
Influence of Selective Laser Preheating on Residual Stress in Ti-6Al-4V Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)
Investigating Thermal Transport in Nuclear Materials Using Neutron Scattering
Load Partitioning in Eutectic and Near-Eutectic Ni-Ce Alloys
Machine Learning Models For X-rRay Diffraction Temperature Inference
Mapping of the Local Residual Stress in 316L Stainless Steel Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Measurement of Residual Stress in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V & Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Walls Using Neutron Diffraction
Operando Inelastic Neutron Scattering Measurements of Glass Dynamics
Operando X-ray and Neutron Diffraction and Imaging During Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Overview of Science Capabilities of VENUS Neutron Imaging Beamline at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Phonon Dynamics and Thermal Transport in Tl3VSe4
Planar Thermal Transport Mapping of the GaN Flm with Spatial-Temporal-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction
Probing Ionic Diffusion with Single Crystal Diffuse and Quasielastic Neutron Scattering
Rationalization of Non-Uniform Radial Hardness Distribution in Friction Self-Piercing Riveted Al-7075 Using X-Ray Scattering and Advanced Microscopy Techniques
Redistribution of Residual Stress in Steels During Hybrid Manufacturing
Residual Strain Monitoring by Neutron Diffraction in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Scattering Study of Spin-Lattice Interactions in Chromia
The Development of a Stress-Strain Diffractometer at the MIT Reactor Using a Polychromatic Beam
The influence of Grain Size on the Deformation-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Austenitic Steels: From Grain-Average to Single-Grain Behavior Studied by In-Situ High-Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
The Invar Effect Explained by Nuclear Resonant X-Ray Scattering from Phonons and Spins
The Role of Annealing and Grain Boundary Controls on the Mechanical Properties of Limestones, Marbles and Novaculite
The Role of Vibrational Entropy Across Magnetostructural Transition in Heusler Alloys
The Use of Neutron Diffraction for the Understanding of Additive Manufacturing Process of Magnesium Alloys
Time Resolved Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Structural and Mechanical Evolutions Within a Zirconium Alloy Oxidized at High Temperature
Unveiling Multiscale Structure and Dynamics with Neutron Imaging
Vibrational Thermodynamics of the Giant Elastocaloric Effect in NiCoMnTi Alloys

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