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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Polymeric-based Materials: Potentials and Challenges
Presentation Title Natural Carbon-Enhanced Polymer Composite Material for Sustainable Additive Manufacturing Applications
Author(s) Grace Sifferlin Baranack, Yahya Al-Majali
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Grace Sifferlin Baranack
Abstract Scope This study delves into the development of sustainable natural carbon-enhanced polymer composites (NCPC) for utilization in high-volume additive manufacturing (AM) applications including additive housing and composite tooling. Readily available and inexpensive high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was compounded with natural carbons including freshly mined coal, reclaimed coal waste, and coal-derived carbon at various loadings (15-70 wt. %) to create 3D printable material that is compatible with fused deposition modeling (FDM) and fused granulate fabrication (FGF) printers. The effect of the type and content of natural carbon on the tensile, compressive, flexural, and impact properties of the resulting composites was investigated. The incorporation of natural carbons into the HDPE matrix showed to improve printability, mitigate warpage/shrinkage, and enhance mechanical performance. Compared to state-of-the-art technologies, additive manufacturing using NCPC materials is projected to substantially reduce manufacturing and material costs, and lower embodied energy and CO2 emissions, while meeting the ASTM and building code requirements.


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Investigating Property Changes of Reprocessed Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Additive Manufacturing
Investigation of Aging Behavior and Sensor Performance of Thiol-ene Based UV-Curable Elastomers Printed via Direct Ink Writing for Soft Robotic Applications
Molecular Engineering and Additive Manufacturing of Polyisobutylene-Based Elastomers and Composites
Natural Carbon-Enhanced Polymer Composite Material for Sustainable Additive Manufacturing Applications
Optimization of 4D Printing Parameters for Shape Memory Polymer Blends: A Comprehensive Characterization Study on TPU/PLA Blend
Recent Advances in Gas Atomization Processing of Polymer Powders for AM
Thermal Strategies for Producing Metallic Components from Metal-Polymer Feed-Stock via Material Extrusion
Ultrasonic Welding with L and L&T Mode Transducers

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