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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Preparing Undergraduate and Graduate Students - And the Faculty Who Prepare Them - For Materials Careers (A Symposium Held in the Memory and Honor of Elizabeth Judson)
Presentation Title Strategies for Attracting Indian Undergraduate Students to a Career in Materials Research and Technology
Author(s) Rajiv Shekhar
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Rajiv Shekhar
Abstract Scope Indian students seeking admission to undergraduate programs in engineering institutes select Materials Engineering (MATE) out of compulsion. MATE graduates prefer careers in information technology (IT), consulting, and finance; very few prefer higher studies. Why is this so? First, the choice of branch is dictated by the magnitude of pay packages. Second, even though materials are an integral part of most products, it is the aesthetics, features, and functionality that thrill the Gen-Z students. Once in college, most MATE students work to hone their IT and machine learning (ML) skills, showing little interest in department courses. How do we excite UG students about MATE? Three strategies are proposed. First, incorporate applications of IT and ML in MATE courses through case studies. Two, include mathematical modelling and simulations in courses to elucidate fundamentals and relate them to real life applications. Three, entrepreneurial opportunities in new materials and process development should be emphasized.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Machine Learning, Modeling and Simulation, Other


Assessing Student Learning with Oral Exams in a Graduate Thermodynamics Course
Building a Sustainable and Easy Process for ABET Student Outcomes Assessment
Expanding the List of Materials Properties to Add Depth and Challenge to Standard Engineering Classes
Integrating So-Called “Soft-Skills” in a Formal Way into a Materials Science and Engineering Class
Intro to Materials Course Design Using Concepts from Grading for Growth
Strategies for Attracting Indian Undergraduate Students to a Career in Materials Research and Technology
Student Attitudes and Beliefs Around Computational Work in MSE
Student Learning Through Performing Materials Science and Engineering Research in a Foreign Country
Updates to ABET Criteria: Information and Q&A
Visual Communication and Representations in Materials Science and Engineering

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