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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Novel Strategies for Rapid Acquisition and Processing of Large Datasets from Advanced Characterization Techniques
Presentation Title Utilizing Advanced Computer Vision Techniques Based on Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks to Process Micrographs of Ni-base Superalloys
Author(s) Pascal Thome, Luis Arciniaga, Alexander Richter, Sammy Tin
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Pascal Thome
Abstract Scope Understanding the microstructure is key to the further development of high-performance Ni-base superalloys. Microscopy-based characterization techniques have greatly contributed to advances in materials science over the years. With the proliferation of more powerful microscopes, and resulting increased volumes of microstructure data, automatic image processing approaches become increasingly relevant. We demonstrate a procedure for evaluating a dataset of serial sectioned optical micrographs of dendritic microstructures of single crystal Ni-base Superalloys based on object detection and semantic segmentation via artificial neural networks. In order to create a digital twin, the three-dimensional data is transformed into a microstructure database using relational geometric ontology. Furthermore, we present another method that allows for efficient batch processing of combined EBSD and EDS scans of polycrystalline Ni-base Superalloys. By applying machine learning clustering algorithms on the EDS data, chemical heterogeneities can be detected automatically, as well as their influence on grain size evolution during manufacturing.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Machine Learning, Computational Materials Science & Engineering


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Streamlining Engineering Diffraction Analysis Using the MAUD Interface Language Kit (MILK)
Understanding Relaxation Dynamics Beyond Equilibrium Using AI-Informed X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
Using Video Games for Training Data on Microstructural Design
Utilizing Advanced Computer Vision Techniques Based on Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks to Process Micrographs of Ni-base Superalloys
Utilizing Deep Learning Techniques to Accelerate X-ray Absorption and Diffraction Contrast Imaging

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