About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
2D Materials: Preparation, Properties, Modeling & Applications
Presentation Title |
Heterostraining and Moiré Reconstruction in Bilayer Graphene |
Author(s) |
Aditya Dey, Shoieb Chowdhury, Hesam Askari |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Aditya Dey |
Abstract Scope |
Control over the interlayer rotation in bilayer-2D materials enables engineering a Moiré-superlattice that features unprecedented physical phenomena. In Twisted-Bilayer-Graphene(TBG), combining this with strain opens an avenue to further tune their properties. Despite this combination, there’s a quest for optimized approaches to obtain such properties. Here, we investigate a route to obtain similar behavior in heterostrained TBGs, obtained independently by straining bilayer-graphene heterogeneously without the need for twist. We perform atomistic-simulations to employ hetero-strain individually in BLG and TBG to compare their properties. Uniaxial heterostraining bilayer-graphene results in Moire-superlattice, that’s correlated to TBGs with a definitive twist-angle. Assessing the opto-electrical properties of strained Moire-cell with a separately strained TBG system yields similitude in their physical behavior. Thus, allowing one degree-of-freedom, i.e., strain, we achieve similar behavior obtained using both twisting and straining bilayer-graphene. This work demonstrates a strategy to help the experimental methods applied for achieving properties deduced from strain-engineered TBGs. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |