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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advancements in Steel Structural Refinement
Presentation Title Stress Measurements of Multiaxially Deformed AHSSs via X-Ray Diffraction
Author(s) Michael Rae Cox, Kip Findley, Adam Creuziger, Richard Thiessen, Thomas Gnaupel-Herold, Mark Iadicola, Jumari Robinson, Evan Rust
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Michael Rae Cox
Abstract Scope Advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) often take advantage of the transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) mechanism to increase work hardening rate. The austenite transformed per amount of plastic deformation is generally considered to be influenced by strain path (e.g. equibiaxial, uniaxial, or plane strain). Consequently, the work hardening benefit from the TRIP mechanism may also be path dependent. However, few stress measurements have been reported for multiaxially deformed steels at large strains. No such measurements are readily located within the literature for TRIP-aided steels. Experimental measurements of the stress state evolution in multiaxially deformed, TRIP-aided 3rd generation AHSSs are presented. Two TRIP-aided steels are considered, each possessing different microstructure morphology, alongside a non-TRIP steel to represent the general influence of strain path on work hardening behavior. Trends in the transformation and work hardening rates along each strain path are compared to emphasize the influence of strain path on the TRIP effect.


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Stress Measurements of Multiaxially Deformed AHSSs via X-Ray Diffraction

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