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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Undergraduate Research in Ceramics
Presentation Title Funding Undergraduate Research in Glass at Coe College
Author(s) Steve Feller, Mario Affatigato
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Steve Feller
Abstract Scope The Coe College Glass Research Program has grown into a mature and robust endeavor. It involves around 25 to 30 undergraduates and three to four faculty per summer. It also utilizes a variety of state of the art instruments for structure and property characterization. What are the costs for running such a program? What are transferable strategies for funding undergraduate research? What are recurring needs? The NSF is thanked for support of this project under grant number DMR-1746230.


Beyond The Laboratories - How to Create a Thriving Community Around Science
Funding Undergraduate Research in Glass at Coe College
Processing of Native Minerals and Glasses for Clay-based Ceramics
Systematic Measurement of Isobaric Specific Heat Capacity
The Creation and Implementation of a Ceramics and Glass Science Research Laboratory at a Primarily Undergraduate College

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