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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Seaborg Institutes: Emerging Topics in Actinide Sciences
Presentation Title A Rare Bird: U+5 and U+6 in Uranium Sulfides
Author(s) Anna Berseneva, Hanno-Conrad Zur Loye
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Anna Berseneva
Abstract Scope Chalcogen environments tend to stabilize low oxidation states: more than 97% of U-containing chalcogenides have oxidation states of U that do not exceed +4. This talk will discuss synthetic challenges to obtain Na2Cu5U+5S6, Na3Cu4U+5S6, Na5Cu6U+5U+6S8(S2)3, and Cu6U+6S6, and provide support for the uranium oxidation states via bond valence sum analysis and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy. Another part of the talk will be focused on the magnetic properties of U+5-sulfides. While Na2Cu5U+5S6 and Na3Cu4U+5S6, with an f1 electron configuration, exhibit antiferromagnetic behavior with transition temperatures of 4.7 K and 3.4 K, Na5Cu6U+5U+6S8(S2)3 showed no magnetic ordering. Interestingly, for all of those compositions, the effective magnetic moment of U+5 was reduced to ~ 1.1 μB and cannot be described by either the spin-only or the total angular momentum models, highlighting the complexity of the interaction between 5f electrons and the ligands.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Magnetic Materials, Nuclear Materials, Electronic Materials


A Rare Bird: U+5 and U+6 in Uranium Sulfides
Actinide Thin Films: Recreating the Usual and Creating the Unusual
Changes in Stiffness and Internal Friction of Delta-PuGa Due to Aging and Annealing
Corrosion Testing of Chemically Modified Tantalum Coupons in a Molten Salt Environment with Chlorine and Oxygen Gases
Density Functional Theory Study of Interfacial Defects in Plutonium Oxides
DFT Studies of Electronic Properties and Swelling of Selected High Density Fuels
Diffusion in the Uranium-Technetium Binary System
Electronic Structure Study of Uranium-Based Material Using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
Emergence of Complex Magnetism and Protected Topologies in LnTAl4Ge2 (Ln = lanthanide and T = transition metal)
Exploring Complex Electronic and Magnetic Behaviors in Actinide Binary Oxides and Chalcogenides
First-Principles and Experimental Determination of Thermal Transport Due to Fission Products in ThO2
Impact of Neodymium Ions on the Chemical Kinetic Behavior of Radiolytic Transients in Molten LiCl-KCl-NdCl3 Salt Mixtures
Interplay Between Phonon and Magnetic Excitations & its Impact on Low-temperature Thermal Transport in Thorium-uranium Mixed Oxides
Investigating Radiation-Induced Actinide Species in Solution
Itineracy Versus Localization in f-Electron Systems
Lanthanide-Based Antiperovskite Nitrides
Lattice Distortions and Swelling Resilience in Aged δ-Phase Plutonium
Luminescence and Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Molecular Trans-Uranic Complexes
Magnetoelastic Interactions in Uranium-Based Compounds Probed by Magnetostriction and Thermal Expansion Measurements
Mastering the Magnetic State of Uranium-Based Thin Films
Microstructural Characterization of U/Pu Particulates
Modeling Uranium Dioxide from First Principles: Magnetic Ordering and Phonon Transport
New Insights into f-Electron Interactions in Superconductor UTe2
Optical Response of Charged Defects in Wide-Bandgap ThO2 with GW Correction
Physics and Chemistry of UTe2
Probing Phonon Anharmonicity Effects at Elevated Temperatures in Actinide Oxides and Surrogates Using Raman Spectroscopy
Superconductivity in the High Entropy Alloy (NbTa)0.67(MoWTh)0.33
Synchrotron-Based Plutonium X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Synthesis, Structure and Physical Properties of NpIr3
Thermal Conductivity in Actinides
Thermal Stability of Aged Plutonium Alloys
Thermo-Kinetics of Impurities in Uranium Alloys
Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of the Chemical Interaction Between Minor Actinide Bearing Metallic Fuel and Steel Claddings
Transplutonium Compounds Isolated from Aqueous Solutions
Understand Behavior of Tungsten and Tantalum Components During Actinide Pyroprocessing
Understanding Irradiation Effect on Thermal Conductivity of UO2, ThO2, U-ThO2
Understanding Nanoscale Inclusions in Pu Metal Using Atom Probe Tomography
Understanding Radiation Effects on the Thermodynamic Behavior of Aged Pu Alloys

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